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What Are The Different Kinds Of Mood Disorders

Mood disorder can be classified generally into three different categories, Major depressive disorders, Bipolar disorders and Substance induced mood disorders.

Major depressive disorders

This is the largest group under mood disorders and there are 9 different types of disorders that come under it. They are Major depressive disorders, Atypical depression, melancholic depression, Psychotic major depression, catatonic depression, postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder, Dysthymia and depressive disorders not otherwise specified.

Each of these disorders have different mood disorder tyrosine l symptoms and although the general treatment the specific mood disorder medication will vary. While for some the use of natural antidepressant pills may be sufficient, others may require the use of more potent mood disorder medication.

Mood disorder information is also not equally available. While for some disorders documentation is pretty straightforward, for others like SAD not much mood disorder information is available.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a unique problem where the mood disorder how does kanna work will swing between mania and depression. Depending on whether the mood disorder symptoms have occurred just once so far or whether the mood disorder has been recurring, it is classified differently. Once again the mood disorder medication is different and can range between natural antidepressant supplements to mood disorder medication.

Substance induced mood disorder

This is the least understood kind of disorder and there is very little mood disorder information about this. Most people tend to agree that any kind of substance abuse starting from alcohol to drugs give mood disorder symptoms. Yet what is not known is whether the substance abuse results in the mood disorder or if it is the other way round. Some people are of the opinion that it is a circle with mild depression leading to substance abuse which in turn causes major depression.

Many of the mood disorders are very similar to each other and it takes an expert to identify which is which. For instance ADHD which is hyperactive mood disorder symptoms are very close to manic bipolar disorder. Yet wrongly diagnosing them can lead to a person taking natural antidepressant pills which will lower the depression that usually follows a manic episode to even greater lengths.
Any problems with the mind is not easy to diagnose and even professionals take a long time before they pronounce a judgment. Arbitrarily taking natural antidepressant pills just because you feel a little depressed is not a good idea because depression is something that everyone has to go through.

With more and more research going on into depression there is more and more new mood disorder information that is coming out. Many times the new information will conflict with established ones.
There are good times and bad times in everyone’s life and it is natural to feel down. It you start taking mood disorder medication you are running the risk of making the condition worse because there is always a letdown when the medication is stopped. This is why many psychiatrists prefer therapy to mood disorder medication because the results are more long lasting.