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What Is The Safety of Ultraviolet Light Therapy

Challenges of life are increasing with the passage of time and every individual is trying to meet these challenges. We need an extra effort to meet these challenges. A person who does not meet these challenges may suffer from depression and other psychological diseases. In the state of depression he/she may not work properly. To come out from this condition patient needs bipolar disorder treatment. Antidepressants are recommended in this state. Some people prefer natural antidepressants. Natural antidepressants have few side effects. Some people refuse to take natural antidepressants. In this condition, we need an alternative of natural antidepressants. A safe alternative is UV light therapy. Nowadays UV light therapy is commonly being used.

 How UV light therapy works

Light therapy or phototherapy, in other words heliotherapy, is being used to treat diseases for centuries. Day light or specific wavelength light or UV light therapy is used to treat the diseases. Light is used with the help of light controlling devices. Ultraviolet rays are commonly used to treat the diseases. A very small quantity of ultraviolet light rays is present in the sun light. Light controlling devices or light emitting devices are used for the treatment purpose. Commonly, UV light therapy is used to treat skin diseases, sleep disturbance and some other psychiatric disorders.

UV light therapy effects are very positive on the patients of depression and other diseases. We also need some safety measures before the use of UV light therapy what is social phobia. UV light therapy can causes progressive harm to skin. UV light therapy may cause destruction of genetic material as well as damage to vitamin A and C and generate free radicals. Negative UV light therapy effects can cause cataract. Modern UV light therapy is safe and effective. But, negative UV light therapy effects may appear; that is why UV light therapy is recommended under the supervision of an experienced person.

Being safe when using UV Light Therapy

A clinician must have complete UV light therapy information before treating the patient. UV light therapy information reveals that VU light can activate the production of reproductive hormones. There are some absolute contra indications to UV light therapy. And in this situation, precautions should be followed. UV light therapy should be used with caution in photosensitive patient.

UV light therapy in the patient of bipolar depression may lead to mania. UV light therapy is contraindicated in the patient of photosensitive skin. If a patient is taking photosensitizing herb or medicine, UV light therapy should be avoided. A patient with the state of porphyria should avoid UV light therapy. UV light therapy should be avoided in patients who are taking Methotrexate and chloroquine because they can cause porphyria.

 UV Light Therapy Uses

There are some side effects of UV light therapy. UV light therapy may cause sleep phase problems like headache, nausea and jumpiness. Non-depressive physical states like poor vision and skin rashes may improve with UV light therapy. Precautions should always be followed because physical state of every person is different. UV light therapy information collected from different patients is always different. Summarily, safety of UV light therapy should be kept in mind before recommendation.