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What is Tryptophan

Tryptophan is one of the major amino acids that are used by human beings and animals to generate body proteins. Tryptophan natural mood booster is highly useful for protein formation and will be difficult for animals or human beings to survive if they lack it. The downside is that the body has no capabilities of forming this amino acid. It thus needs to get it in the diet it consumes.

Tryptophan Supplement Information

Tryptophan is found in most of the foods we consume everyday; this will include dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurt), poultry, beef, fruits like bananas and lastly chocolate. Since these foods are easily gotten it is not that hard to get tryptophan in our bodies. Furthermore, tryptophan and will damiana leaf cause weight gain as a natural anti-depressant is highly contained in protein based foods; an intake of proteins everyday prevents a deficiency attack.

So now the big question; how does tryptophan help us? We have two kinds of these amino acids the L and S tryptophan. According to the tryptophan information put forward by scientists, it is the L-Tryptophan the body uses to generate its proteins. Moreover, the amino acid helps in production of the hormone serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a natural anti-depressant that helps the body fight anxiety, insomnia and mood swings.

Tryptophan Uses

We basically need tryptophan everyday to keep our emotional, physical and psychological health in check. But the sad part is that we still suffer depressions, mood swings and sleep disorders on a regular basis, and make it worse when we try tryptophan ecstasy or tryptophan MDMA. Medical experts have linked these symptoms to low serotonin levels in the body. This means we either are not eating right; neither are we exercising our bodies.

The exercise part may be too much to bite for most of us, but we can get it right in eating. But again with the mass production of low nutrient food today and our inability to keep healthy lifestyles, we miss out on our tryptophan intake on a daily basis.  But we still have hope through supplementation; taking of food supplements rich in the tryptophan amino acid.

One supplement we can vouch for is 5-hydroxytruptophan or 5HTP. It’s rich in tryptophan content and can easily be gotten from any health food store. 5HTP offers tryptophan supplementation at a cheap and affordable cost. Another advantage of tryptophan supplements is they can be taken by just about anyone; from a tot to an adult.

So much on the good what are the tryptophan side effects? If not kept on a normal level, excess tryptophan can lead to delusions and paranoia. Abnormal intake Tryptophan can also cause depression as proven by the Tryptophan Ecstasy/tryptophan MDMA combo young adult experiment on.

Before taking the tryptophan supplements, it might be a wise idea to consult with qualified physician on the right dosage and other tryptophan information. It’s safe to use as a supplement but it can be affected by other drugs; like the Tryptophan MDMA case.

Tryptophan supplements can also be used by patients who don’t’ respond well to anti-depressants. But while buying, be sure you are buying the real deal and not knock offs. Always check the Tryptophan Information on the product to validate its manufacturer and whether it has any chemical additives in it.