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When to Avoid Tyrosine

In this world, anything which benefits your body may cause damage to your body as well if not handled properly. Like the two aspects of a picture, everything has pros and cons and postpartum depression hereditary. Similarly, if tyrosine is used properly, it provides lots of benefits, but if used in excess or improperly, it may lead to side effects.

As per tyrosine information, tyrosine benefits our body as a natural antidepressant, but when used in conditions like Grave’s disease or melanoma, it may aggravate the condition. So, it is wise and better to use tyrosine in accordance with the doctor’s advice, especially when the patient is suffering from thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism) and cancer (melanoma).

Tyrosine Information

Tyrosine enhances the production of thyroid hormones and melanin in the body. If it is used by the patient suffering from hyperthyroidism, it will aggravate the condition by increasing the more thyroid hormones is there a quick fix for postpartum depression. Similarly, in the melanoma, there is risk of increased growth of cancer cells in the body with the use of tyrosine.

Hence, in such conditions, use of tyrosine supplements must be avoided. On the other hand, if tyrosine is used in hypothyroidism, it helps relieve depression and anxiety, as it is a natural antidepressant. In the same way, in normal conditions, when applied to the skin, tyrosine brightens the skin and makes it wrinkle-free.

Tyrosine Effects

The most important point when we should not take tyrosine is when the patient is taking other drugs at the same time. Tyrosine interacts with many drugs and produces unhealthy effects. For example, if a person is the user of Ecstasy, he/she should avoid tyrosine. Tyrosine information reports that when tyrosine is taken by the person who is on MDMA (Ecstasy), it will aggravate the effects of MDMA. In the body MDMA increases dopamine in the 5HT neuron terminals.

When tyrosine is used along with the MDMA, it increases more dopamine in these terminals. This effect of tyrosine damages the serotonin terminals and aggravates the comedown of MDMA. This combined effect of tyrosine Ecstasy leads to deteriorating results.

Tyrosine Natural Antidepressant

Though tyrosine is a natural antidepressant, but when it is used improperly, tyrosine side effects like nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, joint pain and heartburn may happen to occur. Tyrosine information also remarks that tyrosine may cause increase in blood pressure and insomnia. If it is used intentionally or by mistake by the patient with hyperthyroidism, serious tyrosine side effects may take place. However, most of the tyrosine side effects are also reported by various other medications.

In nutshell, tyrosine should be avoided in diseases like Grave’s disease, hyperthyroidism, metabolic disorder phenylketonuria, migraine high blood pressure and insomnia. Moreover, special care should be taken when tyrosine is used in combination with other drugs like MDMA and MAO inhibitors, as tyrosine Ecstasy leads to damaging effects. However, in normal conditions, tyrosine is the structural part of our body proteins and does not cause any serious side effect. In normal doses, it helps depression, anxiety and stabilizes the mood disturbed by drugs like Ecstasy and some others.