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Depressed From XTC Use

Though XTC is a natural antidepressant, do not be misled by its chemical description. The drug, also known as ecstasy, MDMA, molly, X etc, is known to cause depression once its immediate effect wears off. Popular XTC effects include euphoria, a sense of well being as well as compassion towards others. However, once these effects wear of, people are known to suffer from depression for a day or two. In some cases, individuals can also face depression for months together. This is more probable if the individual has taken large doses of the drug for long periods of time. However, there are also a lot of people who take the drug and do not feel the depression.

XTC After Effects

Feeling depression after taking XTC depends on a number of factors including:
•    Medical condition
•    Presence of pre-existing depression
•    Genetic predisposition
•    Lifestyle habits including food intake, sleep and so on.

The best way to understand the depression caused by this natural antidepressant is to study what it does to the brain. Immediate XTC effects cause the brain to release a large amount of a chemical known as serotonin. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter known to cause positive feelings such as euphoria, happiness and a sense of well being. This is why people feel so good after a dose of ecstasy.

XTC Information

However, XTC information reveals that while MDMA helps the brain release large amounts of serotonin for a period of 5-8 hours, it also causes depletion of serotonin supply in the brain. The brain takes quite some time to restore serotonin to normal levels. This replenishment differs from individual to individual depending on food intake, genetic make-up, general health and the amount of ecstasy. Depending on these factors, an individual can take anything from 48 hours to week in order to replenish serotonin in the brain. Due to this depletion of serotonin in the brain which can be temporary, the individual tends to feel depressed for a short period of time.


Another possible reason why this natural antidepressant causes depression may also lie in the brain. For the serotonin to take effect, the serotonin receptors located in the brain have to be completely active. However, when a dose of XTC is administered, due to a flooding of serotonin in the brain, the receptors located in the brain tend to down-regulate. This means that these receptors switch off themselves for some time. XTC information and other studies of the brain reveal that even if serotonin levels are normal in the brain, if the receptors are shut off, it can still cause depression. It is for this reason that once XTC effects wear off, the individual may slip into depression.

As mentioned earlier, depression cause after a dose of ecstasy depends on the dosage, genetic make up, food habits and sleeping schedules of the individual. Again, a lot of ecstasy users are naturally depressed even before they have started using the drug. Depression, like a lot of other psychological disorders, can go undetected. Hence, after even a small dose of ecstasy, these individuals may undergo heavy depression that can last long. XTC information reveals that if ecstasy is taken in small doses coupled with a good diet and a lot of rest, depression is not a matter of worry. However, not resorting to the drug in the first place is the better logical option any day.