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Does Exercise Increase Serotonin

Ever noticed how a good Jog in the morning gets you refreshed and rejuvenated? Or maybe those morning leg-ups and sit-ups that make you break the sweat and feel great afterwards? Exercise really raises the moods up in us and remedies for mood swings. It feels like the outside action like riding a bike or hiking is the once keeping us in high spirits. That is true but most of the action happens on the inside.

Serotonin Information

According to serotonin information on the internet today, exercise does help in increasing the serotonin levels in the body. This is evident in the serotonin effects that are felt after a long period work outs. The chemistry is simple; high serotonin levels have positive serotonin effects while low serotonin levels contribute to negative serotonin effects. This manifests outwardly through high moods and what does research say about alternative treatments for depression when the serotonin levels are at peak and depression when they are way low.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, a UK based research institute once did a study on the action of exercise on the levels of serotonin. The serotonin information that was established was that exercise had a great impact on brain serotonin functions on human beings.

Serotonin Boost

Two facts were established; motor actions increase the rate at which serotonin was released in the brain. This resulted in an increase of serotonin levels in the brain and also the synthesis of the same. The second establishment was that exercise increase the level of tryptophan in the brain which is responsible for the release of serotonin. The serotonin information was concluded; exercise did increase serotonin levels through the release of tryptophan.

Coming to think of it, exercise can be a natural anti-depressant in our lives. Whenever we felt down and moody, we could just go out and have a nice run by the beach or through the interesting suburbs of our neighborhood. Your serotonin boost goes up and raises your moods. And since depression is a result of low beat down moods, we have a natural anti-depressant right there, exercise!

So why not make exercise your new natural anti-depressant, it can save you the many pharmaceutical pills that can bloat u out or nauseate you. The feel good moments through exercise are safe and simple; neither do they need a prescription.

Exercising Helps

Exercise can be your new kind of serotonin ecstasy that gives you a ‘high’ whenever you feel depressed. You can vouch for exercise in those dull moments or when you want to raise your confidence higher. We have people who always speak confidently under the influence of some sort of drug; mostly club drugs. Serotonin MDMA or serotonin ecstasy can be our new way of feeling high and confident!

And the best thing about this new ‘drug’ serotonin ecstasy; it doesn’t have any possible side effect to complain about.  Serotonin MDMA is easily accessible too; you can get it on the treadmill in your local gym or the idle dumb bells you have at home. Even better you can get your daily dose of serotonin MDMA just by 20 simple leg ups or sit ups every morning and evening.