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E Pills Abuse Signs

E pills abuse is very common among the youngsters today. As the e pills abuse information suggest that children are consuming ecstasy in the guise of cough syrup. It stimulates your nerves and you get hallucinations, but the after effects are bad. These drugs are commonly taken orally, either by smoking, snorting or by injecting into your blood stream. This is going on for decades. These drugs are not at all natural Antidepressant. The e pills abuse effects can increase your heart and blood pressure.

E Pills Abuse Information

The neurons of your nervous system are directly affected by MDMA. It reduces the strength of serotonin, a chemical which has a direct impact on your sexual activities, your sensitivity to pain and mood swings. This is what e pills abuse information has to say on e pills abuse effects. E pills abuse can lead to insomnia and craving for the drug. It may be taken as a natural antidepressant but leads to confusion and high levels of anxiety apart from depression. These effects are repeated with each successive use and leads to addiction which will need long term rehabilitation. These pills all over may also lead to loss of memory and the capacity to understand things.

E Pills Abuse Effects

Some youngsters consider ecstasy pills as natural antidepressant, but little do they realize that the e pills abuse information warns about the e pills abuse which lead to damage and if these drugs are continuously used it may lead to death before it is used. Today rave parties, night clubs have popularize the use of ecstasy pills. In many countries it is given a different name. Some take it in the form of cocaine, some as LSD or speed, but the after effects are the same. Ones you are caught in its clamps there is no medication for it, only god and your will power can help you out.

E pills abuse effects are very grave, they not only cause brain damage but also destroy the body by dehydrating it, at times the body temperature goes high leading to breakage in the muscles which affect the heart and may also cause kidney failure. You should not take these drugs lightly. It is not so that if you consume the drugs ones, you can escape from its ill effects. You use it once and it starts abusing you. You are not a doctor to know what the dosage is for medical purpose. Even small doses can cause addiction. Once addicted, it becomes impossible to shake it off.

If ever at a party or a club you have consumed this drug, may be just a small amount and you want to know whether the drug has empowered your system you should look for these systems, you may experience anxiety, sleep problems, difficulty in sexual activity, depression, paranoia, sometimes you may feel your muscles tense, This is the sign that you have become a captive of this drug. These drugs not only damage your mind but your spirit and body too.