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Ecstasy Abuse

Ecstasy is relatively a new drug, which is why information on Ecstasy abuse effects is rather incomplete. However, those that use it on a regular basis, as well as those that try it for the first time must be aware of the possible effects of Ecstasy abuse, as they are not to be taken lightly.

Immediate Effects

Many are familiar with the extremely pleasurable effects induced by the drug, such as euphoria, well being, and enhanced senses. Because Ecstasy has the particular role of determining the body to flash out a large quantity of natural antidepressant, users do not look further than these enjoyable effects. However, Ecstasy abuse information, although not clear or enough, must be made known.

Hyperthermia And Water Intoxication

There are two immediate risks that are related to Ecstasy abuse. As the heartbeat skyrockets, as well as blood pressure, due to the intake of drug, the body temperature starts to rise. If you notice that you are all burning up, this could be one of Ecstasy abuse effects that you must take action against immediately. While dancing wildly can increase the pleasant effects of Ecstasy, because of the increased production of natural antidepressant, this can also be a cause for severe damages to your health. Take a break and drink water to cool off. However, be aware of episodes of water intoxication, as well. Drinking too much water in one gulp, can lead to a severe and abrupt drop of salt levels in the body, which can result in water intoxication, a severe condition that can be fatal. Drink in small sips and try isotonic drinks instead of plain water, to keep your body salt supplies in order, as well.

Liver And Kidney Failure

Ecstasy abuse can also lead to liver and kidney failure. The toxins released into the body by the drug, along with the natural antidepressant, can be very harmful for the internal organs. A too large quantity of drug can lead to increase levels of toxicity in the body, and damage to liver and kidneys can occur. At the first symptoms that you do not feel well, let your friends know immediately, so they can take you to the hospital if something bad happens.

Long Term Ecstasy Abuse Effects

Although the issue is still insufficiently researched, it seems that long term Ecstasy abuse effects do exist, and they can be life lasting. Psychological conditions, like paranoia, panic attacks and depression often affect long time users of Ecstasy. According to official Ecstasy abuse information, other long lasting effects of the drug include cognitive deficits, and even memory loss.

What Does This Ecstasy Abuse Information Serve For

If you are a user of the said drug, you should try to learn more information on what abuse means and what measures to take when you take in the first symptoms. Keep yourself properly hydrated, but do not overdo it. Also, avoid an overdose, as it can result in severe damage to your health.