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Extasy Powder Side Effects

Extasy is a mood elevator or a natural antidepressant that produces a relaxed euphoric state without any hallucinations. Extacy’s chemical name is MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) which refers to its chemical composition. The drug is available in the form of Extasy tablets as well as Extasy powder that exists in a crystalline form. People usually use the drug as a self-prescribed cure for depression since it is a natural antidepressant. The drug is also highly popular amongst youngsters who are into different forms of drug abuse. Extasy by itself is usually not a lethal drug but when coupled with other drugs or alcohol, it can be lethal.

Extasy Powder Effects

The most immediate extasy powder effects can be seen within 20 to 40 minutes of ingestion when the individual feels a rush of exhilaration. This euphoric feeling can be coupled with nausea and uneasiness in some cases. During this phase, sensations are enhanced and the individual has elevated feelings of empathy, warmth and self-acceptance. Extasy powder effects peak after 60 to 90 minutes of ingestion. These effects of the natural antidepressant wear off after 3 to 5 hours of ingestion.

Extasy Powder Addiction

Contrary to popular beliefs, extasy powder effects don’t lead to physical addiction. However, the side effects take toll on the psychology of the individual. After continuous use, people become psychologically dependant on the drug for the favourable feeling. Extasy powder information point out to the fact that the extasy powder induces the release of a hormone called Serotonin which is responsible for euphoric sensations. However this sudden spurt of the hormone depletes the brain of Serotonin supply which can take 48 hours to replenish. Extasy powder information also reveals that use of the drug leads to serotonin receptors stop functioning for a limited period after use of the drug. It is for these reasons that one of the most common side-effects of Extasy powder is depression after the initial high.

Extasy Powder Information

A number of studies prove that extasy has a number of short term and long term effects on the body and mind. Some of the common physiological effects include dizziness, vertigo, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, constipation, insomnia, aches and pains and teeth grinding. Some of the more serious physical side effects include involuntary muscle twitching, abnormal heart activity, severe chest pain, respiratory problems, involuntary eye movements, overactive reflexes, circulatory shock and palpitations. In some extreme cases of overdose, the drug can also cause cardiac arrest, heart failure, haemorrhage, stroke, organ failure, brain damage, coma or even death.

A few of the common psychological effects of extasy powder include anxiety, paranoia, attention problems, fatigue, irritability and depression. Continuous use of the drug can lead to more complex psychological issues such as delirium, memory impairment, hallucinations, delusions, full blown mania, increase threat detection which is similar to paranoia and amnesia. In the worst cases of abuse where the drug is paired with various others, thought disorder and even insanity are quite common.

While psychological addiction to Extasy hits people in the most subtle possible way, recognizing and acknowledge the addiction is the first and most important step of treating it.