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How to Use Rose Hips for Mood Swings

It might come as a surprise that people who go through mood swings are not just women during their menstrual cycles but also men under the influence of very high levels of stress. Drugs like Ecstasy or MDMA or Acid are used to get a high and then maintain it thereby destroying the neurons itself. Mood swings occur due to imbalance of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, norepenephrine, and GABA. There are many natural antidepressant. One such popular one is the rose hips ectasy.This is also known as the rose hips do herbal antidepressants really work can be used to balance the release, reuptake, and absorption of the neurotransmitters. Since rose hips have a very high content of Vitamin C, apart from other co-factors, it is just an easier way to get over the comedown of any drug usage blues.

Rose Hips Uses

Many rose hips ecstasy perfumes are available today to treat mood swings and depression; the essential oils are used for aromatherapy. Rose hip is the most preferred content in most women’s perfumes, while in men’s; it is used up to 40%. The main fragrant constituents of rose oil are the increase serotonin levels, citronellal, geraniol, and terpenoids that are extracted from Damask roses. This oil ha mildly sedative properties and is popular in aromatherapy. It is used to treat anxiety and depression while Rose water is also used to for any irritation in the eye.

Rose Hips Information

Irritability essentially means anger or over reacting to a situation. This is closely linked to mood swings and is mostly responsible in shifts in hormonal balance in men and women alike. This in turn could be due to a feeling of tiredness because of inadequate sleep or one could be going through a big change in their life such as getting married, shifting houses or switching a job. Anxiety, restlessness, lack of concentration etc are all felt. Moreover, for women, the estrogens levels are high during the periods or pregnancy which increases serotonin receptor sensitivity, receptor levels, and also increases serotonin production in the brain cells that leads to temperamental changes and food cravings.

Rose Hips Side Effects

Rose hip seems safe for most; yet, rose hips side efects can be nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, heartburn, stomach cramps, fatigue, headache, insomnia etc. Inhaling rose hip dust can be allergic to some people. Due to rose hips side effects one is advised not to consume it during pregnancy or breast-feeding, or if suffering from diabetes, sickle-cell disease, or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency or iron-related disorders like anemia, thalassemia, or hemochromatosis.

Rose hips information also points out the importance of Herbal Tea to regulate mood and depression apart from its detoxifying effects. It is essentially a mood enhancer. So if mixed with any natural antidepressant drug like Ecstasy or MDMA, we could colloquially call it rose hips ecstasy. It is also known as rose hips MDMA that increases the impact of the drugs by at least double or treble sometimes. Any normal ecstasy pill or powder is not supposed to give a hangover. Rather, it helps in boosting moods and energy levels.

Rose hips information also suggests that herbal cure for mood swings is not for everyone since it is not approved by the FDA as a disorder. The everyday stress is not the same as a mood disorder. Adding multiple herbal products for mood swings to the daily diet plan provides a broad spectrum of action compared to consuming a single one alone. So when brought together, these remedies boost a positive mood along with strengthening the body’s stress responses to fight everyday stress.

There is a large literature available online and across libraries that gives information on natural antidepressant.  Rose Hips Information is also available online in plenty.  Rose Hips Side Effects have to be clearly understood.  This information will help one  understand that natural antidepressant  have a way of working that helps in the betterment. It does not mean that we need to run away from situations by using high doses of rose hips ecstasy to be relived from daily levels of stress. Similarly high doses of Rose Hips MDMA is not going to be a complete solution.