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Is There A Blood Test To Measure Serotonin Levels

It is the interest of everyone to find out the answer to this question because it is close to impossibility. Medicinal research has proven to be more susceptible and analysis on serotonin information has actually shown it is possible to measure serotonin levels. Though serotonin is a chemical in the brain used to regulate mood, appetite, and aggression its measure may seem a long dream. This is so because measuring the levels would much be like measuring one’s intelligence and knowing if have people used gotu kola for anxiety. The difficulty of measuring serotonin levels in the brain is because serotonin is either absorbed or released into the blood stream that further breaks up into different compounds.

Common Serotonin Tests

The test uses a methodology that encompasses the diagnosis of a serotonin-secreting carcinoid tumor. What is actually used to measure the serotonin levels is based on serotonin effects. According to the Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC). This is how the procedure is carried:

Serotonin Effects

A blood sample is taken by placing a needle into the vein of the arm. Since serotonin is also found in lungs airways and gastrointestinal tract, it becomes available in blood.  A small amount of serotonin will be found in the blood, but also are large amounts made by carcinoid tumors – masses that grow slowly in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the appendix and also the lung. These large amounts of serotonin may cause serotonin effects like diarrhea, face flashing, wheezing and an increase in the heart rate.

The above name symptoms are referred as ‘carcinoid syndrome’ which happens commonly when the carcinoid tumor spreads up to the liver. During these conditions is when a serotonin test is put in effect in order to measure if the concerned individual has a carcinoid tumor. When the serotonin levels uv light therapy increase significantly it may mean the presence of a carcinoid tumor but it may be minimal to allow diagnosis. According to the American Association of clinical chemists a 5-HIAA urine test and scans would be done under those serotonin effects.

Low Serotonin Treatment

In accordance with the AACC the tumor must be located and biopsied for it to be diagnosed and possible serotonin information collected. However, it does not mean that when the level of serotonin is below required quantities the person does not have a carcinoid tumor. This is because medications that are not natural antidepressants like morphin, lithium, reseroine, methyldopa and monoamine oxides inhibitor (MAOIs)  which cause a disruption of the serotonin  test by giving low levels.

According to Derek Dore (PharmD) “serotonin level in people with intestinal obstructions, heart attack, cystic fibrosis, and dumping syndrome might be slightly raised. In such condition the use of serotonin test will not be reliable.

In conclusion it is a known fact that serotonin can be measured by use of a test that basically quantify the amount of compounds in the blood, that enables serotonin effects to be measured. Such serotonin information is not easy found elsewhere, and actually it takes a qualified doctor to do the test.