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Popularity of Molly

Molly, scientifically known as MDMA, is chemically similar to amphetamines. It has the properties of a stimulant and also induces euphoric feelings. With its psychedelic nature it helps one deal with depression for the time being, acting as a natural antidepressant. A recently formulated sheet of molly drug facts developed by National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) explained the addictive potential of molly. According to the report, despite the details of available molly drug information, 43% of the people who use MDMA or molly fulfill the criteria of having a drug abuse problem.

Partying and Molly Use

The primary reason for the popularity of molly is that the drug is associated to partying and is a symbol of being ‘cool’. The term ‘designer drug’ for molly pretty much explains how it is perceived and that primarily accounts for the rising popularity. The popularity is cyclic. People use molly in raves; it becomes a teenage trend, drawing more teenagers to use it. That strengthens the image of the drug being a party drug for teenagers, and so, more teenagers use in the clubs and raves. Because of its addictive potential, a large number of people get hooked on to the drug. One of the molly drug facts is that it induces feelings of empathy and sensuality. A person feels intimacy in interactions and a feeling of well-being. The molly drug facts include a dis-inhibition in the person’s control. One feels free, overconfident, and experiences heightened sensations. The state of euphoria stays for more than an hour followed by a gradual comedown. The molly drug comedown can be very unpleasant. As the effects of the drug wear off, one experiences a depressed mood state, insomnia or loss of sleep, a loss of appetite. Aching muscles are also common symptoms of molly drug comedown.

Molly For Depressed People

Another reason for the blooming popularity of molly is a misconception that it is a safer, new natural anti depressant. Although it does work as a natural anti depressant, it is not new. It has been studied for years in scientific laboratories. Also, it is a huge fallacy that it is safe to use the drug. Apart from the adverse molly drug comedown, there are a number of adverse long term effects on the physical and the mental functioning. The researches on molly drug information suggest is that the use of molly results in hyperthermia and a general interference with the body’s internal mechanism of temperature regulation; shivering and fever might result. The use of molly has been associated with circulatory and coronary problems and also with kidney failure and high blood pressure.

Because molly escapes the stigma that most drugs face, the rates of molly abuse keep going up. To conclude, the reason for the sudden popularity of molly is the illusory perception of the drug as a symbol of glamor and partying. The base of the issue should be dealt with by increased awareness and assertiveness training among teenagers. The self esteem of young adults should be worked on so that they do not have to depend on potentially lethal drugs to feel good about themselves and their surroundings.