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Are There Any Genetic Risks Involved with Anxiety

Yes, genetics also plays a role in anxiety disorder. According to reliable anxiety information, when an individual suffers from this disorder, it pretty much feels like the person’s body is raging completely out of control. Genetics alone does not offer any explanation as to why this brain disorder occur, this illness also possibly arise due to a combination of other factors such as psychology, environment and development.


The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) sponsored several twin studies on anxiety disorders  that shows that genetic does play a role in this anxiety dysthymic disorder. But not every anxiety disorder may be one hundred percent genetically determined, but The United States Surgeon General reports shows that panic disorders may be an instance of a brain disorder that has pretty strong genetic basis. However, researchers are still unsure of the precise role of the genes in the expression of anxiety disorder and definite anxiety genes are yet to be found.

What Exactly is Anxiety

A lot of people experience feelings of nervousness before a very important event, like a business presentation, test or a first date and also why is an accurate dysthymic disorder diagnosis so difficult. But, anxiety disorders are illnesses that covers sufferers with a overwhelming fear and nervousness that are quite unremitting and chronic, which can continue to grow even worse.  Tortured by obsessive thoughts, panic attacks, nightmares, flashbacks of traumatic occurrences or countless scary anxiety symptoms, some individuals with anxiety disorders can’t even leave their homes.

Anxiety disorders are United States’ most common mental illness. Over 19 million American adults suffer from these mental illnesses every year. Kids and adolescents can also develop these mental illnesses as well.

Common anxiety symptoms include:

•    A racing or pounding heart
•    Feeling jittery, nervous or shaky
•    A knot in the stomach
•    Staying away from certain activities or places due to fear
•    Profuse trembling or sweating
•    A lump in the throat
•    Being afraid of sleeping at night due to fear of dying in one’s sleep
•    Difficulties catching one’s breath when feeling nervous
•    Feeling apprehensive, tense or fearful
•    Finding oneself pacing
•    Fear of dying
•    Fear of going crazy or losing control

Types of Anxiety

There are different kinds of anxiety disorders and these disorders include:

•    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
•    Panic disorder
•    Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
•    Agoraphobia
•    Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
•    Specific Phobias
•    Social anxiety disorder (or social phobia)

All the aforementioned has its own individual anxiety symptoms, however, they are all linked together by irrational dread and fear.

Anxiety Medication

It is important to understand that anxiety medication will not cure anxiety disorder but keep anxiety symptoms under control and enable the sufferer lead a normal and fulfilling life. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs are the major categorizes of anxiety medication.

Natural Antidepressant Treatments for Anxiety Disorders

Natural antidepressant supplements are also used for the treatment of anxiety disorders. There are even natural antidepressant foods that are known to help with the treatment of anxiety disorders.