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Author Archives: Karl Weber

What Gives a Natural Mood Boost

Serotonin is simply a brain chemical that is required for the regulation of not only the mood but appetite and sleeping patterns. While serotonin cannot be gotten from sources outside of the body, the body’s serotonin levels may be increased by a number of factors such as sun exposure and herbal remedies recommended for a peaceful mood intake. People who suffer from brain disorders such as depression are known to have low serotonin levels and will require a mood booster such as natural antidepressant foods or supplements. There are a variety of ways to help promote serotonin levels in the body, a lot of which simply involve simple lifestyle modifications. Mood Booster Information – Light Therapy as a Mood Booster Light is important for producing serotonin in the body. “Seasonal Affective Disorder” is a kind of depression bad mood disorder that is caused by lack of sun exposure during the winter months – this is simply an example of the sun’s part in elevating mood. Serotonin helps to prevent sensitivity to light during sleep and might be reduced by lack of sunlight/natural light, which results in symptoms such as sleeplessness or depression. While too much sun exposure could be quite dangerous, daily exposure of 5 – 10 minutes may be very beneficial to increasing serotonin. Applying sunscreen can also help one protect themselves from the harmful sun rays and is highly recommended for anyone who spends longer than ten minutes in the sun. Light therapy, which employs artificial lamps in order ...

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What Is The Best Natural Over The Counter Mood Booster

Mood booster information are one of the important aspects of life knowledge that should be tucked us. This is because it helps a lot to known what the next thing to do when you quarrel with someone and you feel like breaking all the windows. This is when mood booster information recommended dose of sam-e for depression becomes of importance as it helps in self meditation that may just turn to be life saving. Breaking Down Natural Antidepressants There are a plethora of natural antidepressants some of which are found in our kitchens counters, or it might just be standing on your table as we speak. Mood booster effects that will ease the stress in you won’t require you to tuck in the pocket and look for your hard earned money. They are very simple things that we encounter in everyday life. Ever smelled a lady pass you and your mood swing up in a second. It might not be the swagger that the lady portrayed but in particular the unique perfumed she wore.  Nostalgic smells trigger the sensory organs, and if the smell reminds you of a memorable event it definitely will increase your mood instantly. According to research kava kava herbs and garlic bread in a room gave members of family good moods and reported cases of negative comments were below 23%. Phenylthylamine Phenylthylamine found in chocolate is another show stopper when it comes to mood change. Eating chocolate acted as a mood raiser for a couple of ...

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How Does Serotonin Affect Your Mood

When it comes to concerns of the brain, serotonin effects are responsible for all kind of mood swings. Serotonin is a brain chemical that affects the way we are thinking that further controls our moods. It’s good that you’ve come across this page because, you are bound to get why do some women get premenstrual dysphoric disorder that explain why people behave the way they do. When serotonin level drops in the brain, the effect in the body comes as stress, being bored, sickly and you feel the whole world is against you. This is what is termed ‘depression’ and we will see how you can control or even stop this from occurring. Serotonin Levels Since decreasing the serotonin level is what is responsible for mood change, you will want to know some serotonin information and how you can increase or maintain its level to avoid possible mood swings that may lead to deeper depression.  Maintaining serotonin level can be accomplished by having a change in your diet, exposing yourself to bright light, regular exercises and also use of SRRI omega 3 fatty acids supplements natural antidepressant medication if at all the above named home remedies fail to work. How is it that the named home remedies work to relieve from depression? To answer this we will take a short glance at what research has explained on this. Depression Treatment To begin with, exercise is so important not only in curing depression but also in relieving many other ailments known ...

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When To Start Using Tryptophan

For a while now tryptophan has been bought over the counter or ordered due to its natural anti-depressant capability to relax the body. A relaxed mind has less depression, no present mood swings and never lacks sleep. Tryptophan gives these benefits without the chemical tryptophan side effects common with the factory made anti-depressants. Tryptophan Supplement Information Besides being a natural anti-depressant and sleep inducer, tryptophan supplement has been used to alleviate other tryptophan deficiency conditions. These conditions can be avoided altogether why obesity causes depression and the body is supplied with adequate tryptophan amino acids. But we sometimes miss out on the work out and don’t have time to eat right so we easily fall into the deficiency trap. This however should not raise an alarm since tryptophan supplementation is possible through purchases from drug stores where natural dieting has failed. So the question is, when should we start supplementing our body with tryptophan? The answer is as soon as possible. As soon as the doctor notices low level of serotonins in your body, hitch the next car to the nearest health food store for the supplement. Tryptophan is converted into serotonin in the body and thus keeps the serotonin level in check where the natural serotonin production by the body has failed. Tryptophan Effects A tryptophan consumption programme should also be started in a patient who exhibits signs of chronic fatigue, teenage depression, Insomnia, depression and mood bouts. The advantage is you can either visit a doctor for a prescription ...

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Are There Any Side Effects Of Rose Hips

The first time the term ‘rose hip’ brushes you ears, it gives you an impression of a beautiful girl with a hip bestowing the look of the rose flower. You got it all wrong, Rose hip also known as Rose haw is the fruit product of the rose plant and its color ranges from red to orange, some species have black and dark purple colors.  Just as the name suggest; rose hips are ornamental because of the ‘hips’ structure they portray. Rose Hips Benefits Rose hips have been known to be rich in vitamin C since the time of World War II.  Today rose hips acts as peripheral blood testing for mood disorder natural antidepressant and the vitamin C in it is used to treat pets such as guinea pigs and chinchillas which are unable to produce their own vitamin C. Recent studies have shown a 0.003 to 1.3% content of L-ascorbic acid which can be responsible for rose hips ecstasy or what is known as rose hips MDMA. Breaking Down Rose Hips Side Effects The big question still remains. Does rose hip intake have any side effects? Well, there are no serious defined rose hips side effects B12 vitamin shot since it’s a natural occurring plant, though there are a number of reported incidents of allergies seen in some people. Such symptoms include dizziness, swelling of tongue or throat, skin rashes, and trouble with breathing. If you suspect any of the named symptoms you should seek medical attention, else ...

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What Impact Does Serotonin Have Against Adrenaline

Whereas serotonin effects are considered positive, adrenaline effects are negative. Serotonin being a brain chemical that helps messages move through the nervous system helps regulate appetite, mood and activeness in a similar way that natural antidepressants do the trick. Effects of Serotonin to Adrenaline When explaining the effects of serotonin to adrenaline, it is best we go down the root of serotonin information. To begin with, do I have mood swings, we have Catecholamines which are chemical compounds derived from tyrosine amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter. Stress is caused by high levels of catecholamine in the blood. Fluctuations of catecholamine are associated with different bodily behaviors, like when one is going on higher grounds. This chemical compound is made up of other compounds like adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine which help the body meet emergencies like fatigue, cold and shock. Serotonin Function On the other hand dopamine is a neurotransmitter that transmits information among neurons in the brains reward system. People who consume what they assume to be natural antidepressants like kanna primarily increase the release of dopamine making them feel ‘home away from home.’ This explains why people become sole addiction of cocaine and it’s because dopamine release creates a drug addiction. Here is a brief of how serotonin effects the adrenaline. When one encounters emotional situation like stress, fear and pain it leads to the release of adrenaline and norephinephrien. Since this comes across as a negative effect, individual may seek the use of natural anti-depressants to counteract ...

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What Are Some Social Factors Of Anxiety

Anxiety occurs when we think we are the focus of attention from other people, while you are even not close to their peeking eyes. According to Antony Swinson, 2008 “anxiety can emerge in a wide range of situations in particular when one is in contact or believes he is a focus of others’ attention.” In brief anxiety symptoms how are mood disorder diagnosed will show up whenever you are not comfortable when interacting with others, especially those people you are not used to. Anxiety Symptoms When taking a look at the factors contributing to anxiety symptoms, we will find out that it all begins when one is growing. For instance, and if you can recall your adolescence age; it was a time where you either experience what was termed ‘blushing’ to the extent of crying when you in front of the whole class. The onset of social anxiety kicks off during the tender age, and it is assumed to be a part of life so that children go undiagnosed leading to the development of l-tyrosine serious disorders. Gender a social factor that determines the nervousness in someone. Women have a rough time as compared to men, mostly because of the difference in hormone make up. Men are brave, strong and prone to common unease. On the other hand women are the complete opposite of this; they will shake, obliterate their eyes and run away from staring eyes. It is also a fact that men will most likely get a treatment ...

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Do I Need A Prescription To Buy 5HTP

Mood swings occur from time to time. The common causes are anxiety, depression, PMS or insomnia. The main trigger of these symptoms however is low serotonin levels in your body. Breaking Down 5HTP 5HTP is the major breakthrough in mood-swing cure. 5HTP is a natural antidepressant sold in most drug stores and health stores. Unlike most antidepressants that show you how to boost your winter mood and energy levels, 5HTP is a natural supplement extracted from the Griffonia Simplicifolia seed. In the simplest of terms, it is an amino acid derived straight from plants with no chemical additives in between. The big question is whether 5-hydroxytryptophan needs a physician’s prescription before taking it? According to most 5HTP information gotten in websites, medical journals and health magazines the supplement doesn’t require any prescription. At least in the USA you can buy it in any health store or online pharmacies without having to see the doctor. In other countries however you will need to consult the doctor for useful information before using it. A doctor’s prescription helps you understand the natural antidepressant better; both 5HTP usefulness as well as the 5HTP side effects. 5HTP Uses Use of 5-hydroxyptophan has become the best alternative to actual anti depressants among patients. Despite the said 5HTP gingko biloba benefits or side effects, the supplement has become the most comfortable antidepressant you can take to alleviate or cure depression and anxiety attacks. 5HTP works pretty much like L-Tryptophan amino acid; when induced in the body, the ...

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Does Tryptophan Work For Depression

Tryptophan is an amino acid found in foods rich in protein. It can be obtained naturally through a diet or can be supplemented. Tryptophan is a newly introduced depression remedy and the question still remains whether it is a natural anti-depressant. Tryptophan Effects As much as the idea of a depression-curing supplement is yet to sink in, it is quite true that tryptophan alleviates like is l-tryrosine safe for mood swings, anxiety and depression. This is all based on tryptophan information that has been researched and put forward by scientists. The story behind tryptophan information is simple; the amino acid works by increasing serotonin levels in the body. The L-tryptophan, which is normally used by the body, gets transformed into 5-hydroxytryptophanthen finally to serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter whose function is to calm the body and thus rids the body of any anxiety. Seratonin further calms the mood, keeps the moods up and induces sleep. Why Tryptophan for Depression Depression may be as a result of lack of sleep or dump moods; seratonin thus takes care of that via tryptophan. Tryptophan thus works best in ridding the body of depression. Use of tryptophan has also been proven to increase seratonin levels in the body. Study on patients who suffered depression largely got it due to low levels of seratonin in the body. The absence of tryptophan means the absence of tryptophan hence the depression. The tryptophan amino acids need to be acquired through supplements in the stores. You can have ...

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What Causes Serotonin Syndrome

Serotonin makes your life feel worthy, and that’s why it is known as ‘the feel good hormone.’ Many people will buy serotonin MDMA or serotonin ecstasy to fulfill their pleasures but what many don’t understand is that the usage of this natural antidepressant with ecstasy is what prolongs or brings about serotonin syndrome. What is serotonin syndrome? According to recent serotonin information, is sam-e safe to treat teenage depression, the symptoms come along whenever one takes an overdose of serotonin hormone. Whilst depression, unhappiness, stress, and feeling low are basically brought by serotonin levels being low; increasing this level to much extreme quantities may lead to more dangerous and detrimental conditions. Serotonin Syndrome Information In brief, it is the excessive accumulation of serotonin in the body that brings about serotonin syndrome. The nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord, the stomach are what are responsible for the normal reproduction of serotonin. On its production serotonin plays a role of regulating body temperatures, blood flows, attentions and proper bowel movements. Major Causes Of Serotonin Syndrome Major causes of serotonin syndrome include mixing different medications. The assumption that serotonin is a natural anti-depressant has turned people to be giant ignorant of st john wort serotonin side effects it may cause. It’s a common play ground for people to mix serotonin supplements with migraines medicines. As a result of this the serotonin levels are instantly reduced in the body. Also combining a number of drugs with serotonin quantities in them may increase serotonin ...

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