Bipolar disorder results in extreme moods fluctuations in a person affecting the over all well being. Some years back bipolar disorder was also known as atypical depression where the person experiences extreme mood swings from feeling very sad, hopeless and worthless to exceptionally agitated, hyper and restlessness. The mood of the person oscillates between two completely different emotions from feeling ecstatic to feeling completely depressed hence, the name given bipolar disease. A person having bipolar disorder can lead a normal life. This disease occurs in sequence and earlier in life especially in teens and early twenties. Bipolar Disorder Symptoms These symptoms are varied and need not be the same for all individuals. This is a serious disorder as it affects the person’s lifestyle, health, jobs and family relations. Bipolar disorder symptoms can come in the form of thoughts of suicide and homicides and actually performing such acts. Other symptoms of bipolar disorder are addiction to drugs and alcohol and also becoming abusive and extremely depended. Bipolar Disorder In Children There are cases of bipolar disorder in children too apart from males and females. Since, the disease is a long term illness and risky, bipolar disorder in children should not be ignored and the right treatment has to start as soon as the symptoms are shown. Many experts state that due to the chemical; imbalance within the brain, bipolar disorder in children may occur. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that control the functioning of the brain. Chemical Imbalances Any imbalance in these Neurotransmitters ...
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Side Effects Of Snorting Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
Drug users appeal to different methods of delivery, in order to obtain different sensations from Methylenedioxymethamphetamine use. Some even think that the effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine can be different if you choose another method of delivery such as snorting, or parachuting. While ingesting a pill is the most common method, there are a few that want to experience more intense sensations, and snorting powder ecstasy seems to be among the most praised methods. However, the effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine comedown can be made worse by snorting the drug, and these are not the only consequences that should bother you. Why Is Snorting Considered The Most Efficient Method When you ingest an ecstasy pill, your stomach will take some time to break down the ingredients and release them in the bloodstream. When snorting powder ecstasy, the trip of the drug to the brain, where it can start the release of natural antidepressant, is cut shorter, which means that the effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine will be felt sooner. The experience of snorting the drug is described as being hard hitting and intense, which means that the high on natural antidepressant will be more intense. Still, according to users, this can also cause the duration of your roll to be shorter, as well; however, there is still some controversy regarding this type of results. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine use is spread mostly among young adults and teenagers, and it is difficult to actually run a study with reliable results regarding methods of delivery. Are The Effects Of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Comedown ...
Read More »Extasy Comedown
Not all people who are into extasy are expected to experience the same effects especially when coming down. Even if the general effects of extasy may be the same like the euphoric pleasures, warmth, and the feeling of closeness to other people, the extasy comedown effects will be different for every user. During the coming up stage, users will experience the on rush of euphoric pleasures twenty minutes after taking the pills. The experience is sort of a immediate rush and other symptoms of the drug taking effects include increased heartbeat rate, churning stomach due to excitement, teeth grinding, nausea, tightening of the jaw, sweating, dilated pupils, and anxiety. This is the onrush during the coming up and after two to four hours, users will experience the feeling of well being and intimacy with other people and they will also feel confident about themselves. Extasy Comedown Effects But all these positive feelings are reversed after the effects of extasy wear off and the extasy comedown effects begin to manifest. As stated before, the experiences of people will be varied when it comes to extasy comedown effects. But in general, the symptoms for extasy comedown include • Depression • severe anxiety that results to panic and paranoia • loss of appetite, insomnia • irritability and fatigue • lack of concentration Severe effects of extasy comedown may also include edginess and increased heart palpitations. For some people, without an extasy comedown cure, this can make them become emotionally and physically drained. ...
Read More »Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Abuse Common
Some drugs are considered to be very powerful, while others are seen as less dangerous alternatives. Ecstasy is often seen as being part of the second category, but recent Methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse information shows that this classification is not the right one. Ecstasy can be abused, like any other illegal substance, and its consequences can endanger someone’s life. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse effects include intense dehydration, long term memory impairment, and even temporary brain damage. However, it is worth mentioning that, due to the fact that more and more users are aware of the possible consequences of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse, they are on guard and they know how to stay away from them. There are very few fatal cases caused by Methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse, yet the number of those asking for medical help due to it seems to be on the rise. Why Is Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Abuse Less Common Than The Abuse Caused By Other Drugs It is not exactly easy to abuse ecstasy, unless you are really unaware of what is happening to you. The brain works on serotonin, a natural antidepressant responsible for regulating mood, sleep, appetite and learning process. When Methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse occurs, it can only use up as much serotonin as it is available and it cannot do more than what it does. However, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse effects are moreover associated with what can happen due to the excess of natural antidepressant that makes it easier to ignore pain and other signals. Basically, what most Methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse information says is that one cannot ...
Read More »Extasy Powder Looks Like
Extasy, also known as E, X or Molly, is one of the many names you’ll find amongst the most popular drugs including marijuana, cocaine, heroine, acid and so on. Though the drug is not considered to be as lethal as heroine or acid, people who take Extasy are most likely to be addicted to a host of other drugs. This is where the risk of over dosing lies. Since Extasy is a natural antidepressant, lot of individuals take Extasy as a self-prescribed medicine to deal with depression. Extasy Powder Information This natural antidepressant is usually synthesized in clandestine labs. For this reason, the quality of the drug is always questionable. Extasy is usually available in the form of Extasy pills and Extasy powder. Extasy pills are available in a number of different colours, brands and shapes. The natural antidepressant is also available in different embossments. These variations often indicate the strength and composition of the tablet. MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), colloquially known as Extasy, is usually not found in its most refined form in these pills. They are often spiked with other compounds such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, talcum powder and edible colours. Some pills are also spiked with some other illicit drugs such as cocaine, MDA (3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine), heroine or meth. This is one reason that tablets are usually considered to be risky. Molly The drug can also be found in its refined form as Extasy powder. MDMA powder is usually referred to as ‘Molly’ or ‘Mandy’. Extasy powder is produced in ...
Read More »Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Dangers Towards Fertility
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine dangers are not enough explored yet, and studies are still needed to identify how this drug can influence a person’s health. Recently, worries about infertility caused by street drugs have started, especially due to some studies carried on mice regarding the possible Methylenedioxymethamphetamine use dangers on fertility. Although these studies cannot be considered enough to explain some cases of infertility in humans, there is Methylenedioxymethamphetamine danger information pointing out that unexplainable impossibility to conceive can sometimes be caused by the intensive use of street drugs. What Did The Studies On Mice Reveal The study regarding Methylenedioxymethamphetamine dangers and the impact of the drug on fertility carried on mice revealed some very interesting findings. According to the Methylenedioxymethamphetamine danger information discovered by scientists, the maturity of oocyte and the fertilization rate were both affected in female mice that were given the drug. While this does not necessarily mean that humans can be influenced in the same way, it is well known that studies carried on mice are used especially to determine if there are any possible influences of various substances for human beings. Possible Fertility Problems For Men Although there is not enough evidence to sustain how fertility is affected by the famous street drug, capable of releasing a large quantity of natural antidepressant, there are opinions stating that male fertility can be influenced quite a great deal by the intensive use of the drug. Among the problems shown as Methylenedioxymethamphetamine use dangers, poor sperm count and reduced libido are ...
Read More »Extasy Dangers To The Body
Extasy is a hallucinogenic amphetamine that speeds up your nervous system. The chemicals in the drug act on your brain and release mood changing chemicals such as serotonin, which is associated with ecstasy and energy. Extasy use is dangerous to your body, as it can make you feel anxious, depressed and paranoid. Extasy use dangers also include nausea, loss of appetite, jaw clenching, excessive sweating and dehydration. Extasy dangers are such that a person has to experience it, if they take it along with alcohol or in combination with any other drug. Extasy Research Research studies offer a lot of extasy danger information that can be really useful. Many experts have expressed their concern about extasy use dangers. You may experience immediate effects, such as muscle ache and sleeping difficulty after taking the drug. The effects can last for several days. Higher doses of the drug can increase extasy dangers drastically. It can cause hallucinations, irrational behavior, vomiting and convulsions. If you have some health problems like high blood pressure, epilepsy, heart disease or asthma, extasy use dangers can be extremely severe. Taking Extasy can exacerbate the symptoms of these conditions. Extasy Effects There are a lot of rumors about Extasy. Some people say that it is safer than aspirin, while some others claim that is dangerous to your brain and other vital parts of the body. Reading as much extasy danger information as possible can help you understand the truth. Extasy affects serotonin, the chemical in your brain that ...
Read More »XTC and Serotonin Receptors
It can come in many forms and be taken many different ways. The most popular way of ingesting it is through a pill form. XTC is often small, round, white or brown. Many have stamps on them indicative of the brand that they are associated with. There are groups of people who enjoy partying and socializing while on an XTC trip and these are often called raves. Most pills can cost around 10-15 dollars a pill and as some people will take two at a time; it can become a costly habit. These are just a few of the facts that lead into what ecstasy is and what it can do to a person who begins to take it regularly. Where Did It Come From XTC was first used in Germany as an appetite suppressant where it worked well because of its amphetamine components. There was some trouble with the way it interfered with people’s natural antidepressants and so the distribution was stopped. It was later picked up in America to treat veterans for the PTSD. After XTC information disclosed there was brain damage from the drug use in lab research on animals, its use as a therapy drug ended. This was when it started to gain popularity as a party drug with youths on the street. What Does It Do The largest portions of the XTC Effects are centered on a person’s natural antidepressants and the release of them into the body, causing changes to their emotion. This happens ...
Read More »Extasy Powder More Effective Than Pills
MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is the chemical name for a natural antidepressant, also known as Extasy. The drug is popular amongst youngsters who are into drug abuse and is usually paired up with other drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, heroine etc. The popular effects of the drug include a surge of euphoria coupled with strong feelings of compassion, relaxation and well-being. It is due to this reason that so many youngsters are willing to overlook the ill effects of the drug and jeopardize their well being. Extasy Facts Extasy is available in the form of Extasy pills or Extasy powder. The pill form of the natural antidepressant is available in a number of brands and colours. They can be identified by the icons embossed on the pills. The purpose of these symbols is usually to determine the strength and concentration of the pill. Extasy pills are not pure MDMA though. They are usually synthesized with other drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, talcum powder or even meth. Again, other natural antidepressants and psychedelics such as MDA (3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine) and MDEA (3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine) are also given in Extasy pills instead of pure MDMA. Due to this, one may not experience the characteristic effects related to MDMA. Extasy Powder Effects Extasy powder, on the other hand, is the purest form of Extasy available. According to Extasy powder information, MDMA powder is available in an off-white crystalline form also known as ‘Crystal’, ‘Molly’ or ‘Mandy’. Extasy powder is produced in MDMA labs and provided to pill manufacturers ...
Read More »How long does Methylenedioxymethamphetamine stay in your urine
When a drug is ingested, it can take the body up to several days to totally eliminate any trace of the substance from urine and blood. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine is not an exception, and, according to some sources, the safest duration to let pass between drug abuse and a urine test is seven days. Such Methylenedioxymethamphetamine information can come in handy when you need to undergo a test for drug use, and you do not want it to turn positive. What happens after Methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse People use Methylenedioxymethamphetamine because of the pleasant sensations provided by the sudden release of natural antidepressant in the brain. What this drug does is to take all the reserve of serotonin that exists in the brain and use it in one go. Since serotonin is known to be the neurotransmitter responsible for us feeling happy, there is no wonder why Methylenedioxymethamphetamine effects are so intense after taking only one pill. Once these effects are gone, the body metabolism is starting to flush out the substance from the blood. The most common way of eliminating it is through urine, which is why urine tests are used for establishing drug use. How metabolism influences urine tests Metabolism plays an important role in eliminating Methylenedioxymethamphetamine from your system. It also takes a while for the brain to make natural antidepressant again, so chances are that you will feel depressed and down until your body comes back to normal. No matter how intense the Methylenedioxymethamphetamine effects are, you should know that ...
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