What is Ecstasy? Is it a drug? How does it look like? In what form Ecstasy is available? Why people take Ecstasy? What are the street names for Ecstasy? What are the main ingredients of Ecstasy? E Pills Information Ecstasy belongs to drugs family. Just like heroin, LSD, alcohol, etc Ecstasy is also an addicted kind drug. Ecstasy is a synthetic and psychoactive drug that is chemically similar as stimulant methamphetamine. This drug includes cocaine, caffeine, Dextromethorphan, chalk, and amphetamines. The key factor of Ecstasy is MDMA (Methylene-Dioxymethyl Amphetamine). The MDMA is synthetic chemical is extracted from essential oil of sassafras tree. It is made with various chemicals those are synthesized in the laboratory. Ecstasy is a possible appetite suppressant. It has similar hallucinogenic properties to LSD and amphetamines. Ecstasy is a drug with the combination of hallucinogen and methamphetamine or amphetamine. This drug officially hit the user’s sense. E Pills Abuse Over the last 15 to 20 years the Ecstasy abuse and E PILLS Addiction has become increasingly widespread. Ecstasy is highly popular among adults and youth. Teens, college students and high school students too are addict of Ecstasy. Ecstasy mostly used in dancing bars, clubs, parties, raves, etc. The popular name for Ecstasy is MDMA. The street names for MDMA or Ecstasy are, Adam, E, X, XTC, M and M, Cloud 9, 007, Essence, Beans, Pills, Hug, etc. It is a designer drug and is also known as ‘love drug’. E Pills Look Like How to judge that ...
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How To Make Molly Last Longer
If you are least worried about molly drug effects on your body, then of course you must be wanting to know how to make molly last longer in your system. Molly or ecstasy is a banned drug, of course you know that, still if you want to give molly a try then be your own guest please. This article intends to provide you with some useful molly drug information so that you can enjoy your roll as long as you want it to without affecting your health considerably. Well, of course your health will be affected in the process, but that is the price you will be willing to pay as you have already consented with yourself, haven’t you? If you haven’t still then it is better or rather best not to try molly drug effects at all, because the effects can be quite serious including depletion of serotonin levels in your brain. If this piece of molly drug information serves as a deterrent to you in trying molly, then so be it, but if that is not the case then you can of course get across useful information on how to make molly stay longer in your system. After all, its all a matter of personal choice. Molly Information There is also something important that needs to be clarified at this point. Molly or ecstasy is often marketed as a natural antidepressant but it is actually not. It is a synthetic chemical compound illegally manufactured in drug laboratories so ...
Read More »Bad Roll On Extasy
Not long ago, I had a bad roll on Extasy and this is what happened during it, which I regret in my life. First and foremost I lost self control due to this bad roll of extasy and I entered the phase of depression which made life a hell, with absolutely no hopes and encouragement. Extasy Comedown I never bothered about the natural antidepressant in order to block that bad roll and this aggravated my situation more badly. Finally the extasy comedown took charge and dismantled me from controlling myself. The bad roll put me in trouble with emotions and anxieties running high to make it a nightmare. I did not have much knowledge on the extasy comedown information in order to battle against it and I paid the heavy price for not knowing it, in the form of entering depression and ultimately losing control on myself. As the bad roll of extasy continued so were the extasy comedown effects such as the depression, anxiety, anger, tiredness, lack of self control, high emotions etc. Extasy Comedown Cure These all effects went on a step further as I did not any extasy comedown cure in place to stop the bad roll or slow the bad roll at least, which I repent badly. Basically my addiction to the extasy drugs is the main cause for this juggernaut run of the bad roll of extasy and I am really disappointed for making this continue. As long as I did not bother to think ...
Read More »Connection Between Crystal Meth and MDMA
Crystal meth is a horrible horrible drug and it has no relation with ecstasy whatsoever except the fact that both are chemicals. The effects of ecstasy and crystal meth are completely different as crystal meth has the ability to turn a living person to a walking corpse and ecstasy does nothing like that. In fact, crystal meth is so poisonous that in Canada once a house where crystal meth has been found to be made needs to be decontaminated and can be uninhabitable for several months. Ecstasy tablets on the other hand are much safer in comparison, although ecstasy itself is also a banned drug. Crystal meth or ecstasy, none of them are natural antidepressant as none of them are naturally available. MDMA Effects Ecstasy still has some antidepressant effect, but psychotrophic drugs like crystal meth completely destroy the user, turning him or her into a walking corpse, wasting all social existence, and limited to being a tweaker only. The tweaker is a special term associated with crystal meth that shows just how horrible the drug is. Tweaker refers to the feelings of tweaking that the crystal meth user shows under the impression that bugs are crawling under the skin. Now anything that makes you feel like bugs crawling under your skin is bound to be something that is not so good, and that exactly is what happens with crystal meth. On the other hand, the feelings associated with ecstasy involves a feeling of lightness, happiness, coziness and empathy, so ...
Read More »Effects Of E Pills With Social Phobia
There are many states of mind. There are numerous expressions that a human mind can show, for example- anger, joy and embarrassment etc. but there are many instances where your mind gets out of control. At such a stage, there is lack of expressions and the human gets blunt and stubborn. Same is the case with the E Pills use. Actually, the E Pills is consumed to uplift the mood of a person who is depressed. But the effects of E PILLS can be dangerous if the intake is not normal. Whenever the E Pills use crosses its boundaries, the person doing the intake is bound to go through a lot of side effects which are so hazardous that they can even cause death. E Pills Use Firstly, pills are designed and contain those properties which are for the aid of mankind. But medications are abused nowadays and this results into deaths. The E Pills use has no exception. The pill which is designed for providing emotional warmth to a person going through difficulties of life has temporary positive effects but it has more negative effects which can be present for longer duration. The E pills cause a hangover. This hangover is filled with fast heartbeats and instant headache and therefore results into a dizzy state. The Effects of E PILLS are so dangerous that they can cause stroke and mild heart attacks. Most of the people who make the E Pills use don’t know about the side effects. One ...
Read More »Pure Molly Compared to Normal Ecstasy
Molly to be exact is the street name for 3, 4, methylenedioximethamphetamine or MDMA for short. Molly refers to the pure form of MDMA whereas regular ecstasy is the combination of MDMA with some other nasty substances. MDMA is subtle as compared to ecstasy. Ecstasy is an adulterated form of MDMA and acts more harshly on the system. In ecstasy the dominant ingredient is MDMA and that is why the effects brought by MDMA and regular ecstasy are similar and the two terms are used alternately. Some suggest that MDMA suppresses sexual activity while ecstasy enhances it. Recent researchers on molly drug facts found that both act on sexual behavior in the same way. MDMA and ecstasy delays sexual orgasms; however, with the drug the sexual experience is perceived as more intense and a greater sexual desire is reported particularly in homosexual or bisexual individuals. Molly Facts Molly drug facts suggest that it induces a feeling of euphoria and a positive attitude towards the self and the world. A person feels empathy and intimacy towards other people when under the effect of molly or normal ecstasy. Also, the physical activities are perceived as easier to perform and the person feels more active. Only, the effects brought by ecstasy are more intense even if you do make the distinction between the two, which a number of research reports and molly drug information papers do not. MDMA which is the primary ingredient in ecstasy and the only one in molly, as suggested ...
Read More »Effects Of Ecstasy Reversed With Opiates
MDMA or ecstasy is a substance known as upper or a natural antidepressant which means it elevates the mood of the user and one of the reasons why ecstasy is also known as a mood enhancer. The opiates on the other hand are downers so logically speaking; opiates may have some effects on ecstasy although not necessarily reversing it altogether. There are various types of opiates available in the market and one such example is the Oxycodone. If a user who is not new to effects of this drug takes 10 mg of it in line with using MDMA, chances are that the high experience provided by ecstasy will be reversed if not reduced drastically. The ecstasy comedown may also be harsher when a person takes other drugs and combined it with MDMA. Ecstasy Facts According to basic ecstasy facts, MDMA may have similar effects displayed by the natural antidepressant fluoxetine. But in contrary with the functions of fluoxetine, this is carried by the transporter that is the serotonin reuptake after it has been forced and deposited in the presynaptic cell. This activity does not occur with fluoxetine because it is much larger in size allowing it to inhabit the 5HT transporter spot while preventing it to gain access in the presynaptic cell. And since ecstasy has relatively the same size with 5 – HT compared to Fluoxetine, it is able to enter the presynaptic cell as if it is a real 5-HT. But all these effects caused by natural ...
Read More »MDMA Legal
Ecstasy is normally the term used for a chemical substance MDMA. Now a days a variety of drugs are sold under the name of ecstasy. These may include substances related to MDMA, like MDA or MDEA. Other substances which are sold under ecstasy name are ketamine, amphetamines, caffeine, DXM and many more. MDMA information includes that it increases the amount of neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. Effect of this drug lasts for about 24 hours and taking more doses of MDMA causes negative effects than positive effects. MDMA does not cause physical dependence but people may think that they are psychologically addicted to this drug. People with pre-existing medical problems such as liver disorders, kidney diseases, high blood pressure and mental diseases should avoid MDMA. MDMA Effects MDMA cause alternation of perception, thoughts and mood thus acts as natural antidepressant. It is a synthetic drug manufactured by a German pharmaceutical company in early twentieth century for the treatment of obesity. But later on it was used as hallucinogenic drug allowing its user to feel relax. It is available in the form of tablets in the market. Mostly it is used by teenagers from middle to upper class. It is less expensive making it attractive for its user. MDMA is used by a small group of people known as raves. They mostly spend there time in parties and dancing. The effect of MDMA last for 4 to 6 hours depending upon its effectiveness. MDMA should never be used during energy drinks ...
Read More »Physical And Chemical Properties Of E Pills
Ecstasy is MDMA or, full chemical name of E pills, ‘3,4 Methylene-dioxy-N-methylamphetamine. To a chemist the name itself describes what the molecule consists of. Many people believe that the name implies a mixture of ingredients. This is not true. According to the E pills information and scientific studies, they are molecules of different chemicals and harmful impurities. Pure MDMA or ecstasy is a white crystalline solid or can be found in powdered form. It looks like a fine powder, when the crystals are too small to see. Yet, they are regularly large enough to sparkle and possible to grow giant crystals up to a gram. The powder tends to stick to a dry finger but without forming lumps which is the one of the qualities of it. E Pills Information It is chemically stable so that is does not crumble in air, light or heat. Therefore, it has a long shelf life. It can easily dissolve in water but is not able to absorb the dampness from air. E pills include a separate, physically powerful and quite a bitter taste. The manufacturing process of these pills produces a raw substance of which between 80% and 95% is MDMA. Incomplete synthesis results in a brownish colour of these pills. E Pills typically weigh between 200 mg and 600 mg each, from which only 100 mg is MDMA used in it. Remaining are other harmful chemicals like caffeine is used in it. According to the research and E pills information, they are ...
Read More »Molly Abuse Effects on Intelligence
The molly abuse effects are most prominent in the brain because the brain is where the drug primarily acts. Molly abuse effects are especially more harmful to the body because molly is often amalgamated with other abusive substances like heroin or cocaine. In order to understand whether molly abuse effects affect intelligence or not, it is necessary to understand in detail first the mechanism of the molly drug acting on the brain. That is because only by being aware of such molly abuse information you will be able to take an informed decision about the drug. Here’s how the drug acts on the brain. Molly Effects Since molly acts by mimicking serotonin molecules in the synaptic junctions, it is crucial to understand first what is serotonin and how it works. Serotonin is a natural neurotransmitter that is secreted within the brain neurons and is utilized to carry brain impulses from one neuron to another. Whenever there is a transmission of brain impulse of perception, feelings, appetite etc. serotonin neurotransmitter is released in the synapse and these serotonin molecules carry forward the brain impulse. Since this is a precious neurotransmitter and the brain does not want to waste it there are specialized serotonin reuptake receptors present on the surface of the neurons. These receptors perform the function of taking back the serotonin molecules inside the neurons once the signal has been transmitted. Now, since mdma mimics serotonin, the mdma molecules are absorbed in preference to the serotonin molecules by the receptors. ...
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