Giving birth to a baby can actually trigger a variety of very powerful emotions, you could feel excited and filled with joy, or you can be overcome by fear and anxiety. Giving birth can also result in something that you may not even expect – postpartum psychosis (also known as Puerperal Psychosis). A lot of new mothers experience the well known “baby blues” shortly after they have given birth; which typically include crying spells, mood swings and unipolar depression treatment that come and go quickly. But there are a couple of new mothers that experience a pretty severe, and long lasting type of depression called postpartum psychosis. Postpartum Psychosis Information According to medical experts, postpartum psychosis is known to be a rare illness in comparison to the rate of anxiety or postpartum depression. This form of depression is also known to occur on about one to two out of every thousand child births or about one percent of births. The start of this illness is typically sudden; most times it occurs within the first four weeks postpartum. It is important to know what is postpartum psychosis symptom or symptoms; that way you will be able to seek medical attention immediately. Postpartum Psychosis Symptoms The symptoms of this illness can include any or all of the listed effects: • Hyperactivity • Quick changes in mood • Hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not there) • Strange beliefs or delusions • Inability to fall or stay asleep • Suspiciousness and paranoia ...
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E Pills Abuse and Addiction
Ecstasy is a quite powerful little, natural antidepressant. It has the power to completely shift your mood from really depressed to the happiest you’ve ever been. Whether you decide to take pure ecstasy (also known as “Molly”) or simply pop some E PILLS, this sensation is why it’s one of the most used drugs today. However, there are still plenty of bad points to it. For one, it can be pretty addicting. And addiction to drugs is something to look out for, as dangers occur with the drug. But before you can learn to avoid the addiction, you must first learn to avoid E PILLS abuse. Knowing the proper E PILLS abuse information, including the several E PILLS abuse effects, can help users understand just how to avoid the E PILLS abuse effects that can potentially lead to addiction. The E in Ecstasy Before you know the difference between addiction and abuse of ecstasy, here’s a brief lesson for you to understand exactly (or at least basically) what ecstasy is. Ecstasy is a natural antidepressant. It is “natural” because of the fact that it comes from a natural source. Well, pure MDMA (another term for ecstasy) is, at least. Manufactured E typically has other drugs, such as LSD, mixed in with it. Anyway, the “antidepressant” part has something to do with how it affects the brain. Basically, E launches large amounts of serotonin into the brain, causing an amazing feeling of…well…ecstasy. There are several side-effects, however, such as depression. After ...
Read More »Huperzine A Ecstasy Hangover
Do you know how it feels when taking ecstasy and what it is? Originally “ecstasy” was used to replace the abbreviation MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), which is in short a psychedelic drug which causes euphoria. When taking MDMA one experiences feelings of love and unity with the surrounding world and himself as well as happiness which is due to serotonin hormone excretion. The condition can be also characterized as feeling safety, self-acceptance, raise of energy, desire and drive increasing, self-confidence improving, feeling of empathy, compassion and forgiveness, alertness, awareness, wakefulness increasing and some others. Ecstasy Effects The specimen has been successfully used in medicine for depression cure. MDMA causes no addiction, but still it can be dangerous: overdose might lead to death. There are also more or less strong other cons against using it. People might loose appetite, feel dizziness, suffer from dehydration as MDMA effects in a way that changes thermotaxis. Exhaustion and aches may also happen after huge physical activity which is also a consequence of MDMA influence. Psychological negative effects take place as well as physiological ones. That is about fatigue, anxiety, paranoia and depression. It can be explained by a lack of serotonin hormone which is thrown in the brain in large portions under the MDMA influence. Depression might also become chronic. As you understand that must be cured. Ecstasy Hangover Cure The cure for the ecstasy hangover is better to be with natural antidepressants. For example Huperzine A can be a treatment for MDMA depression. It is ...
Read More »Molly Lasting Longer
If you are wondering what helps molly last longer in your brain, you are probably looking for a heightened psychedelic experience of its own kind, changing your mind and bringing new psychedelic thoughts to the surface. An out of body or an inward body psychedelic experience is what we think about when we think about such mind altering drugs such as molly. Now, isn’t molly drug effects harmful to the body? Of course, they are, affecting your brain and stuff, but if you are ready to pay the price of health, you can go rolling however you wish. Just one thing to remember of course, that is molly is not a natural antidepressant per se. It is a synthetic drug manufactured in illegal drug laboratories. There is nothing natural or organic that molly can boast to possess. The serotonin and the dopamine secretion that the molly drug initiates are actually the natural antidepressant that molly can relate to. The molly drug effects stay longer in your system than you can think of, so you ought to be careful about using molly drug yourself. All you have to do is to gather molly drug information from the net, so that you actually have the solace that you are making an informed decision regarding molly drug. Okay that’s enough of psychedelic gibberish, here are some serious molly drug information on how to plan to keep molly longer in your system. Molly Information First thing first. You should not take molly with alcohol. ...
Read More »Effects of Unipolar Depression
Unipolar depression (also commonly referred to as Unipolar Disorder or Major Depression) is a severe mental condition that affects 4.9 percent of the United States population. Unipolar disorder is known to affect the sufferer’s quality of life. But unlike the usual sadness or periods of being down with “the blues”, symptoms of unipolar depression causes a long episode of hopelessness and gloom and may even rob the patient of the ability to take pleasure in relationships or activities that were once pleasurable. Unipolar depression is possibly the oldest health condition that has plagued humans. The intensity or severity of this mental ailment is greater in duration and severity when compared to the usual bouts of feelings of sadness. Effects of Unipolar Depression The effects of unipolar depression come in a variety of ways and differ from patient to patients. Here is a list of the well known effects of unipolar depression: • Sleeplessness (Insomnia) – people who suffer from unipolar depression typically have trouble sleeping. The patient often tends to wake up earlier than they should and find it difficult to get back to sleep. • Physical effects – the physical effects typically associated with mood disorder include headaches, fatigue, body ache, digestive related issues etc • Weight Fluctuation – the person starts to go without food, which will result in weight loss. There are occasions where the sufferer starts to overeat or stops taking part in physical activities which results in weight gain. • Thyroid Disease – according to ...
Read More »Skullcap Extract MDMA Comedown
While getting high on ecstasy can be a very pleasant experience, coming down from it is always a painful one. People that are doing drugs are constantly seeking remedies for the comedown experience, so they do not have to suffer so much from the hangover caused by drug abuse. As the reserve of natural antidepressant in the brain is consumed, it takes plenty of time for a new reserve to be created, and, during that time, the sensations experienced are of the nastiest kind. Skullcap Extract Combined With MDMA Skullcap extract ecstasy combinations are new to the scene, and they are not very popular, because the aforementioned extract is more efficient in treating anxiety – as the Skullcap extract information made available by health care professionals shows – , rather than the depression felt during MDMA comedown. However, the Skullcap extract information now available points out that this herbal supplement can be very helpful in its own way. One of the well known Skullcap extract side effects is drowsiness, which is why the herb is used in treating insomnia. As insomnia is one of an MDMA comedown effects, this herb can bring some benefits, and Skullcap extract MDMA combinations are not to be overlooked. Is it possible to cure an MDMA comedown Coming down from the high is accompanied by a lot of unpleasant sensations. Unfortunately, an absolute cure for this experience is yet to be found, and all that you can do is to try to alleviate the symptoms ...
Read More »Ecstacy Trail Mix
Ecstacy is chemically known as MDMA ((3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine). It is a drug that is used for mood alteration effects. It is medically used to treat depression related problems. The consumption of this drug leads to good feeling, improved emotional state, reduces depression and anxiety. Ecstacy information studies through various researches show that this drug is widely used because it creates intense high for sex. This is used in combination with certain drugs that are generally used as anti-impotent drug. Mixture of these two drugs is called as Ecstacy trail mix. This has nowadays become a party drug. Ecstacy Trail Mix Information MDMA is not necessarily used for sexual pleasure. This drug stimulates brain cells for achieving enhanced state of consciousness which lead to the ecstacy effects. It in general leads to the feeling of love and bonding. It increases your perception to music drastically and allows you to enjoy the dance and music more and brings love feeling. It causes hallucinogenic effects. There are some drugs that are well known and are used exclusively to increase sexual prowess. Though, much ecstacy information studies suggest that this trail mix combination can prove to be quite dangerous. Ecstacy Natural Antidepressant Ecstacy acts by stimulating the release of natural antidepressant serotonin in the brain synapse. This natural antidepressant is a neurotransmitter. This is responsible for all the positive good feelings within in the normal state of mind. When one consumes MDMA it elevates the levels of this neurotransmitter causing increased perception to all ...
Read More »E Pills More Common In Europe
The ecstasy pills which are also known as the E PILLS are meant to provide the person consuming them with ample relief from stress by giving him a peaceful mind through the changes made in the brain. The E PILLS perform various processes by which the serotonin levels change. The serotonin is responsible for the transferring of messages through the brain to entire body. It also controls various mental states like the memory, intelligence, and presence of mind. But when a person makes an E PILLS Abuse, then he has to face the hazardous E PILLS Abuse effects. Therefore it is always beneficial to be upgraded with the right E PILLS Abuse information to avoid the hazardous effects. There are many other medications which can perform the same task of E PILLS which are known as natural antidepressants. They can be surely good health wise, as they have low side effects as compared to the dangerous E PILLS. E Pills Abuse If we follow the right E PILLS Abuse information, then we will be able to know that the drug abuse is always hazardous even if we have the medications to deal with the after effects. The E PILLS Abuse effects include excessive depression, fatigue and tired feeling. The energy provided by the E PILLS can turn into a nightmare as the E PILLS Abuse effects take the sleep away. High amount of insomnia is therefore a major effect of the E PILLS abuse. The E PILLS are more famous ...
Read More »Unipolar Depression Symptoms
The major symptom of unipolar depression is a sad mood that would not just go away. Though a lot of people usually go through a period of sadness where they feel really sad; but a person that is diagnosed with the effects of unipolar depression experiences low or sad feelings which gradually build-up over a couple of days or even weeks. These people are typically unable to “get over their sadness” even when a positive thing happens. What Triggers Unipolar Depression Symptoms In a couple of cases, the symptoms of unipolar disorder are most times preceded by a painful event or an obvious loss like a death in the family, job loss or divorce; however, there are cases where unipolar depression appear out of the blue. Patients with unipolar disorder most times appear irritable, easily moved to tears and sad. Patients may also have difficulty sleeping soundly and complain of feeling vague physical pains and aches. It is easy to spot people who suffer from this mood disorder, because they are simply unaffected by positive events regardless of how happy this event makes other people around them feel. There are those that simply deny the fact that they are suffering from depression; but they have lost interest in the things or activities that once brought them joy. Common Unipolar Depression Symptoms Prior to seeking treatment, it is important to be able to identify unipolar depression symptoms. The symptoms of this mood disorder can easily be summarized as: • Being in ...
Read More »Treating Postpartum Psychosis
Postpartum psychosis (also commonly known as postnatal psychosis or Puerperal psychosis), according to medical experts is the most severe case of the well known and publicized postpartum depression. This ailment is known to affect one in about a thousand new mothers. Common postnatal psychosis include: hallucinations, depression and severe case of sleeplessness (insomnia), unipolar definition and some patients experience homicidal or suicidal thoughts. A new mother who has been diagnosed with postpartum psychosis may actually be a risk not just to herself but also to her new baby as well and will need significant support and intense treatment in order to help the patient recover. Postpartum Psychosis Remedies If you have just given birth and you are experiencing regular mood swings, feel intense sadness or anger or you find it difficult to cope with your day-to-day life; then there is a strong possibility that you are experiencing postpartum psychosis and so it is important that you seek immediate help treating postnatal psychosis. Do not allow the symptoms to become worse and result into something much more severe. Treating postpartum psychosis is very important if you experience any of the following symptoms: • Find it difficult to sleep (not getting more than just 2hrs of sleep each night) • Entertain thoughts about hurting yourself or committing suicide • Having thoughts about hurting or killing your baby or any other child or adult • Having thoughts that your child is pure evil or that your child is deliberately trying to cause you ...
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