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Best Natural Remedy For An Extasy Comedown

Suffering from harsh extasy comedown effects need some effective extasy comedown cure. Experienced users know some of the basic tips that can help them get over their extasy comedown and these usually include the foods to eat, foods to avoid, and other natural remedy for taming nasty extasy comedown effects. When you are having a nasty extasy comedown, it only means one thing and that is you have a near depleted serotonin level. Some people resort to eating turkey sandwiches, drinking a lot of milk, and eating other foodstuff that contain properties good for enhancing natural serotonin production. When you are able to normalize your serotonin level by eating the right food, you can be sure to ease down the effects of extasy comedown. Extasy Comedown Effects When you are under the influence of extasy, you tend to stress your muscles especially on jaw by too much teeth gritting. You can use a natural antidepressant to help ease the extasy comedown effects. Remember that it is important to avoid drinking too much alcoholic drinks because this can further exacerbate the effects of coming down the following down. There is no much worse extasy comedown when it is coupled with a nasty hangover. Some people do drink a lot of alcoholic drinks before going to bed to help them sleep peacefully and while this may be successful, you need to be ready to face the consequences the following day. It is much better to take a natural antidepressant instead of using ...

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Catatonic Depression

There are many types of depression. One of the rare forms of depression is Catatonic Depression. The disorder causes rare symptoms that involve speech and muscles. This increases the importance of understand what is Catatonic depression. If a person experiences double depression with catatonic features for at least two weeks, he/she may suffer from this disorder. People who are severely depressed may show symptoms like remaining virtually motionless, making peculiar movements, elective mutism, extreme negativism or moving around extremely vigorously. Causes and Symptoms of Catatonic Depression If you want to understand what Catatonic depression is clearly, you need to first understand what causes this disorder. Catatonic depression is a subtype of clinical depression. It is caused by a condition called catatonia, which is characterized by behavior abnormality and neurogenic motor immobility. In order to diagnose catatonic depression, the person must show at least two of the following symptoms for two weeks or more. •    Excessive movement •    Loss of voluntary movement •    Involuntarily repetition of some meaningless words •    Extreme loss of motor skills •    Inability to react to his/her environment •    High resistance to suggestions •    Repetitive, stereotyped movements Understanding what is catatonic depression and what are its symptoms is important to determine the treatment. Treatment Options Fortunately, there are many treatment options for Catatonic Depression. Psychotropic drugs like benzodiazepines, antiepilepetics and anticonvulsants are often prescribed to alleviate the symptoms. A combination of medication and cognitive, talk therapies and something like a natural remedy for agitated depression can also ...

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Agitated Depression Symptoms

There are many types of depression and it can be a difficult process to diagnose the exact type of problem the person is suffering from. Depression disorder symptoms for any of these types are quite similar and often mimic one another. However, agitated depression can show specific symptoms. In other types of depression like catatonic depression, the patient feels very tired and drained; however in agitated depression, the person feels irritated, angry, anxious and restless. Agitation is a common symptom for any type of depression disorder. In case of agitated depression, it is more severe. Understanding Agitated Depression Symptoms Relationship and financial problems are the major factors causing agitated depression. Understanding agitated depression symptoms is crucial for determining the treatment option. If a person experiences irritability, anger and agitation for several days, he/she may suffer from agitated depression. Handwringing Handwringing is one of the obvious agitation depression symptoms. The person wrings his/her hands by rubbing them in an angry way. Outbursts of Anger and Yelling The person may get angry and yell without any reason. Everyday occurrence may seem problematic to him/her and he/she may not feel that he/she cannot handle it. Insomnia The person may suffer from trouble sleeping. Sleeping problem can even aggravate the disorder. Excessive Talking Talking excessively about one or more topics may be an indication of agitated depression. The person may talk for hours and may get louder while conversing with others. Pulling on Hair, Skin or Clothing Pulling on hair, skin or clothing is ...

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Double Depression

Double depression is a disorder that occurs, when a person is already suffering from dysthymia. Often, Dysthmia is diagnosed first, as the dysthymic patient may consider the development of double depression symptoms, not like reactive depression as a part of his/her personality. A surprising fact about double depression is that it affects 3 to 6% of the population.  If left untreated, it could become a life threatening condition. What Causes Double Depression If you want to know about double depression, you should first understand Dysthmia. It is a chronic, depressive disorder that lasts for at least two years. Some people may suffer from mood disorders for 10 to 20 years. Overtime, Dysthmia patients start developing major depression symptoms opposite of agitated depression symptoms, which is known as double depression. The main difference between double depression and other types of depression is the effect of underlying Dysthmia. Another important about double depression is that it could make changes in the body, increasing the chance of developing ailments like diabetes and heart diseases. This makes diagnosis and treatment more important. Symptoms of Double Depression The symptoms of double depression include •    Feeling of hopelessness •    Felling like little or no control over life •    Lower self esteem •    Extreme Guilty feelings •    Withdrawal from family and friends •    Thoughts of suicide or death •    Fatigue, drained feeling •    Weight loss or gain •    Inability to experience pleasure •    Insomnia •    Loss of interest in usually pleasurable activities •    Agitation and lethargy Treatment  ...

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Agitated Depression

Agitated depression is a disorder characterized by irritability and restlessness. Though agitation occurs in many types of depressive disorders, it is more severe in case of agitated depression. Middle aged and elderly are the most common group of people experiencing this disorder. Many studies reveal that relationship and financial problems are the major factors triggering this condition and one like existential depression for example. Death of a loved one, job loss or a chronic illness could also cause this type of depression. Types of Agitated Depression One of the important things to know about agitated depression is its types.  The disorder can fall into any of the following three types • Psychotic agitated depression- It is the severe type of depression disorder. • Non-psychotic agitated depression- this type refers to the condition in which the individual suffers from moderate depression and agitated symptoms. • Excited Agitated Depression- Racing thoughts and psychic agitation characterize this type of disorder. Causes of Agitated Depression What causes the condition is another essential thing to know about agitated depression. Chronic illness, excessive use of alcohol or drugs, relationship problems, too much stress in the work, diseases related to central nervous system, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, dementia, Schizophrenia, reactive depression, brain tumor, brain abscess and heart diseases are some of the common factors that contribute to this condition. Symptoms of Agitated Depression Another crucial thing to know about agitated depression is its symptoms. Understanding the symptoms is important for diagnosing the condition correctly. If you experience at ...

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Extasy Neurotoxicity

Extasy is the MDMA substance that has become the popular choice of recreational drug for people with ages 18 up to 25. But the natural antidepressant effects of MDMA on behavior as well as neurotoxicity merits the attention for further improving the extasy facts that can help people understand neurotoxicity is affected by MDMA. According to current extasy facts, MDMA has become quite popular especially on college campuses, rave scenes, and night club parties. There are several extasy facts that must be determined in order to further understand how MDMA takes effect on the body and its current neurotoxicity. Extasy Info On Neurotoxicity More often than not, people who are into extasy use are quick to praise the psychological and natural antidepressant effects MDMA. What they overlook is the effects of extasy on their physical health and how it can be detrimental to the entire body system. According to some studies, it further solidify the extasy info that prolonged exposure to extasy can reduce the levels of serotonin transporters that are very important for bringing neurotransmitters back to the neuron from where serotonin is released. Without serotonin transporters or with low levels of these important functions, the serotonin reuptake will be very slow or will not happen at all which is expected when your serotonin levels are depleted. According to the studies assisted by NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse, the gathered extasy info showed that extasy components particularly MDMA can damage neurons that is important for releasing serotonin. This ...

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Impure MDMA

MDMA (3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is commonly used natural antidepressant which belongs to the drug family of “entactogens”. MDMA is better known as Ecstasy, X, or even E in the market. Those who wish to enhance their desire for warm relationship and intimacy with others, munch through this natural antidepressant tablet. However, this small tablet has various severe MDMA dangers as well and thus, it is always advisable by the health concerns to be well aware about the MDMA danger information prior using it. MDMA Dangers As revealed by various researchers, MDMA consists of some impurities and this is the reason why this despite of being a therapeutic tool was banned in 1985. MDMA use dangers and its composition are two such factors that have made this drug illegal. It is known that for producing MDMA, various other drugs are combined together and thus these tablets vary widely in strength. Depending upon the brand and place from where this natural antidepressant tablet is picked from, the purity of this drug differs. In short, this mood elevator tablet should never be used without confirming the entire MDMA danger information. MDMA Information Many times, MDMA pills contain other active substances like amphetamine, methamphetamine, ephedrine, or caffeine also. These products are available at cheap prices in the market and also ensure to bring effective results to consumers. This is the reason why the manufacturers of such tablets prefer using these impure products because these help them boosting their overall profits. But then at the same ...

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Reactive Depression

Do you know some strange facts about reactive depression? Reactive depression is also known as situational depression. It is also popularly known as adjustment disorder. More often than not, this kind of depression is triggered due to some external trauma or event and might fall into the existential depression definition category. It might also be closely associated with the personal history and background of the suffering individual. Diagnosis of this kind of depression is often difficult. This is because the symptoms associated with reactive depression are extremely different and are not seen in any other type of depression. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from reactive depression is on a drastic rise across the United States of America. A survey revealed that the number increased dramatically after the terrorist activities of 9/11. Causes of Reactive Depression It is important to know everything about reactive depression. To begin with, getting to know the prime causes is essential. More often than not, people who have experienced the death of a close one often suffer from this type of depression. It has also been observed that majority of people who have witnessed the suicide of a friend/family member eventually go in a state of agitated depression or reactive depression. There are also many other reasons behind this cause of this kind of depression apart from loss of a loved one. Many people, especially the ones who are highly sentimental and emotional are not able to handle an event like break-up or divorce. These individuals ...

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Existential Depression

Existential Depression occurs when a person confronts issues of life, death and meaning of life. The person suffering from Existential Depression often feels life is meaningless.  A significant fact about Existential Depression is that many gifted children experience this type of depression even at a young age. They may begin to question about the meaning of life and worry about death. This type of depression occurs without any specific causes. If you are frustrated or disappointed about something in your life, the underlying Existential Depression supports this discouragement, leaving you in vague mood. Things to Know About Existential Depression It is important to know some important things about Existential Depression, which include what causes the disorder, symptoms and treatment for serotonin boost available today. Existential depression could arise from the sense of being alone in the world, believing that life has no meaning and awareness of freedom and appreciation of mortality. Death of a loved one, job loss and some other life changing event could not cause this disorder, but can aggravate the symptoms.  These situations could cause a major depression, so it is worth to know how to differentiate a clinical depression from existential one. Definite circumstances cause psychological depression, whereas Existence Depression is an inner state of being that presents continuously. As you are permanently depressed, you may not be aware of it. Existential depression is pervasive and it is very difficult to escape it. The symptoms of existence depression are the same as other types of depression ...

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Is L-Theanine Safe

If you’re considering taking one of the many depression natural remedies on the market you undoubtedly have concerns about whether or not the supplement is safe. Thankfully there are plenty of studies that help to demonstrate just how does l-theanine work, a natural mood enhancer found in tea leaves, is safe. Want to Understand How L-Theanine Works Good luck! There are few actual studies that have found any conclusive evidence for how this organic compound helps to elevate the mood. It has long been known to provide a boost in good feelings, but the actual mechanisms at work are still shrouded in mystery. There is some indication that L-Theanine helps to increase the production of GABA in the brain, which is crucial for normal cognitive functions and primarily the ability to feel “happy” and potentially boost your serotonin as well. It is supposed that this is more effective than taking normal GABA supplements since they have difficulty penetrating through the blood-brain barrier. Instead, L-Theanine may be producing GABA inside the brain, making it absorption and use significantly easier. L-Theanine is One of Many Depression Natural Remedies There are plenty of depression natural remedies available. L-Theanine is one of them. Most have undergone few clinical studies, though, and their safety is debatable. L-Theanine has gone through a number of studies, though, including some in Japan. The drug was considered safe as a supplemental additive in chocolates, teas, and several other consumable items in 1964. The FDA considers the supplement to have ...

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