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Causes of Prenatal Depression

Prenatal depression is not as widely discussed as its counterpart postnatal depression. It affects between 15 to 23% of the women, when they hear the news of their pregnancy. Although pregnancy is supposed to be a happy period some mothers to be are sad, confused and angry. Mood disorders occur because of a change in the brain chemistry.  During pregnancy hormonal changes seen with postnatal depression symptoms occur and mood disorders set in.  There are no definite causes of prenatal depression. Possible signs and triggers can be used to determine if a woman is going through prenatal depression. Some of the signs that point out towards prenatal depression are:-

•    State of persistent sadness
•    Difficulty in sleep and concentration,
•    Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
•    Thoughts of helplessness, suicide, guilt
•    Anxiety
•    Changes in eating habits like over eating or under eating.

Prenatal Depression Triggers

There are some possible triggers which can be attributed as causes of prenatal depression. For example, relationship issues between couples often cause depression and this can enhance during pregnancy. A family history of depression or a prenatal depression during a previous pregnancy can be another cause. If the pregnancy is complicated or if there is a history of family trauma and financial constraints too can contribute to depression.

Prenatal Depression Information

Prenatal depression needs to be treated because it can harm the baby and the mother. Women if left untreated may complicate her pregnancy by drinking, smoking or eating less which can harm the development of the baby. The mother does not have the strength or desire to take care of herself and the baby. In such cases babies tend to be born with low weight and are often agitated.

When treating prenatal depression, natural remedies and herbal supplements with the effects of hyperforin are often prescribed by naturopathic doctors. They are often less harmful. Antidepressants are not given to expectant mothers unless it is essential. Other treatment options like support groups, private psychotherapy, and even light therapy are used to treat causes of prenatal depression.

Natural Remedies for Prenatal Depression

In Europe especially where it is always cold and gloomy, prenatal depression natural remedies included light therapy where the mother would sit in bright fluorescent light for an hour. It was effective for some women while others said that it did not make a difference. New studies indicate that acupuncture can have a soothing effect on women with prenatal depression. Diet and nutrition play a vital role during pregnancy. Some foods like high caffeine, high sugar, high carbs, and artificial flavorings and additives can have negative stimuli on the brain during pregnancy. A change in diet, plenty of rest, exercise and sleep can fight prenatal depression.

St. John’s Wort, Vitamin B6 and Other Herbs

When thinking of ways to treat prenatal depression natural remedies like vitamin and herbal supplements are used. Examples are Wort extracts, Vitamin B6, magnesium which can be had with the approval of your health care provider. Aroma therapy and Bach flower essence therapy also works wonders for depression. Above all love and support from the partner and relatives and friends can help the mothers mental health, and most often this symptom goes away in a month or so.