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Club Drugs Dangerous

Club drugs are dangerous for a variety of reasons. Apart from the possibility that you become a drug addict and ruin your life, other club drug use dangers include the impurities mixed in club drugs and the risks of combining alcohol with club drugs. The only way to avoid these dangerous club drugs is to gather useful club drugs danger information and take an informed decision regarding club drugs use. Club drugs are not merely recreational drugs, they possess the risk of overdose too, and therefore it is necessary to take an informed decision regarding club drugs use dangers. This article presents you with all the necessary club drugs danger information so that you are not misled into being a drug addict and ruining your life. There are different kinds of club drugs, some are least addictive and some others are very much depressive. This article mainly deals with molly or ecstasy as it can be called the original club drug,  one that came to be used since the days of the rave parties began.

Club Drugs Information

In order to understand the dangers of club drugs, it is necessary to understand the biochemistry of the club drugs inside our brain. We take the example of molly or mdma here and explain how it acts inside the brain. Other club drugs act differently and you should definitely consider sufficient research to understand the club drugs use dangers inside your system. Molly or mdma influences the serotonin secretion in our brain. Serotonin is a feel good neurotransmitter that is responsible for our perceptions and feelings. The brain nerve cells or neurons into the synapse release serotonin whenever there is a transmission of a vital nerve impulse. After the signal has been transmitted the serotonin is absorbed back into the nerve cells by specialized serotonin uptake receptors present on the surface of the neurons.

Club Drugs Effects

The mdma molecules actually imitate the serotonin molecules and they are preferentially taken by the receptors instead of serotonin. Not only that , under the influence of mdma the receptors now work in reverse, bringing out serotonin to the synapse rather than taking it inside the cells. The mdma molecules that have already entered the neurons, push out more and more serotonin in the synapse. Besides, the receptors being now occupied by mdma ,the serotonin concentration in the synapse automatically increases. So this is how the club drugs use dangers in respect to your brain and mdma.

Club Drugs Uses

Another club drugs danger information that needs to be clarified here is that no club drugs are natural antidepressant miracle chemicals. They are synthetic compounds prepared in the laboratories ,so there is nothing natural about them. Serotonin can be called technically the natural antidepressant because it is produced inside the body and it also causes an uplift of mood. It is also critical to note that there are other ways to increases serotonin secretion apart from taking molly or other club drugs.

The club drugs may consist of different impurities like heroin or cocaine. It is necessary to drug test the pill before you take it or check the ingredients of it. Club drugs drug testing kits can be found from sites like www.dancesafe.org . You can also check out sites like www.pillreports.com to check out the ingredients of your club drug. Such harm reduction sites are great places to find useful club drugs danger information. Finally, alcohol should be strictly avoided in conjunction with club drugs. The combination of club drugs and alcohol can be fatal in fact.