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Dangers Of A Club Drugs Addiction

Club drugs addiction is often overlooked because many think this type of drugs causes less addictive behaviors than powerful drugs like cocaine and heroin. Still, club drugs addiction effects are a reality and young people should pay attention to the kind of illegal substances they consume when they go to rave parties, or simply hang out with their friends. Depending on the club drug consumed, there are many dangers associated with this type of addiction. Try to find out more club drugs addiction information, in order to understand why you should stay away from such substances.

Severe Depression And Psychological Issues

Club drugs addiction can lead to a wide variety of mental and psychological problems. For instance, ecstasy, a very popular club drug, is responsible for depleting the entire reserve of natural antidepressant in the brain when consumed. The immediate result of an ecstasy hangover is an intense episode of depression. Without serotonin, the brain does not function well, and depression appears. While these symptoms may disappear in a few days, long term club drugs addiction effects include severe depression. As serotonin, the natural antidepressant in the human brain, also plays a role in other mental processes, like learning, other issues appear. Memory impairment and neurotoxicity are among the effects that should be taken into consideration when one consumes drugs. This club drugs addiction information must always be kept in mind, in order to stay out of trouble.

Inappropriate Behavior

When under influence of club drugs, people tend to feel less inhibited and less shy. However, club drugs addiction can have many unwanted consequences. Because of their addiction, some fall prey to dangerous behaviors. Some start to steal in order to acquire their drugs, others fall prey to prostitution, and the list of criminal activities one may engage in due to addiction can continue. There are club drugs that are often used as date rape drugs, because they can render the victim completely helpless and at a sexual predator’s mercy.

Long Term Club Drugs Addiction Effects

Your health can be severely affected by drug abuse. Besides the mental problems related to the depletion of natural antidepressant in the brain, there are other long terms effects for one’s health that should not be overlooked. Elevated heart pressure, difficult breathing, and even development of heart conditions are among the side effects that must be paid attention to. This club drugs addiction information should be convincing enough to determine you to stay away from drugs. Of course, the most severe effect of club drugs addiction is death that can occur in the case of an overdose.

Young people should be aware of the dangers of club drugs addiction. While they may only think of the euphoria caused by the release of natural antidepressant, the long term club drugs addiction effects should always be envisioned. Before doing drugs, learn more club drugs addiction information, and about the severe consequences that such habits can have for your mental and physical health.