As researchers continue to probe into the various causes and roots of depression, many interesting facts about the disorder have begun to come forth. In the case of depression hereditary factors are known to play an important role like sleeping pills and depression which is caused more so by the person themself. In other words, a lot of research data proves to the fact that depression in family is indeed possible. If there has been a case of depression in your parents, you may very well run the risk of suffering from depression yourself. Similarly, if you already suffer from depression, there is a risk of depression in your kids as well. While this sounds like a gross generalization in many ways, a lot of research results are proving otherwise.
Depression Information
Depression is a psychological disorder and heredity, on the other hand, is more of a biological process. Fighting depression is always a battle but the battle begins when you figure out the causes of your depression. When it comes to depression hereditary factors can come into play in a direct or indirect way. Especially in the case of postpartum, bipolar and manic types of this disorder, depression in family is a strong possibility. So, if you have family members who are suffering from or have already suffered from these types of depression, there is a good possibility of depression in family.
Studies On Depression
That said, a lot of studies point towards the fact that in the case of depression hereditary may not play a direct role like in the case of many physiologically rooted diseases. Instead, depression in your parents may pass onto you in the form of a learned behavior. In fact, since this behavior is learned, depression in your parents is not the only thing to worry about. You may learn this behavior from other relatives as well. Similarly, depression in your kids may also be generated through experiences with other family members apart from those who have a direct contribution in the gene pool.
Depression Gene
Depression can also be passed down in genes. Scientists have come across a gene going by the name of short allele 5-HTT. This type of gene is majorly responsible for triggering the symptoms and it can be passed down genetically as well. So, apart from learning depressive behavior, depression in your parents can also pass down to you in a direct, genetic fashion. Even if you don’t have this genetic predisposition to depression, depression in your kids caused by some major event can be passed on to their kids genetically as well as in the behavioral form.
At the end of the day, depression is predominantly a form of learned behavior. Any genetic predisposition for depression requires a trigger event. So, even if you are genetically predisposed towards suffering from the same problem, you can always change your cognitive approach to situations in life and do away with depression completely. Therapy can do wonders in this case. Even if the trigger event may occur, you can always be well prepared with mental strength to weather the storm. Healthy mental exercises keeping your thoughts positive are the best way to go forward. Sure, this approach is easier said than done, but it is the best way to escape the heredity related effects of depression.