Due to the hectic lifestyle and pressure on both personal and professional front, many people today go into mild or major depression because they are unable to cope with these types of pressures. Once the source of depression is identified, your specialist will prescribe medication or serotonin foods and it is important to continue the treatment till your doctor advises and should not stop once you feel little better. If medications are stopped abruptly, there is a possibility of depression relapse. There are better ways for depression relapse prevention except to stop medications. The first thing to remember is you need to stay healthy and happy. The process of recovery from depression is a long and painful one and you need to be really determined to win over that as a part of depression relapse prevention. The risk of the relapse can vary, depending on the intensity of your symptoms and also the family history. Keeping this in mind adequate steps have to be taken towards depression relapse prevention.
Depression Relapse Symptoms- Notice Them Early
One of the best ways to stay away from depression relapse symptoms is exercise. Exercise in itself is an antidepressant and acts like an antidote to stress and sleep apnea and depression as well. Exercise can lighten depression and can act as a cognitive behavioral therapy or an antidepressant. In case the medications are stopped, you will start experiencing some depression relapse symptoms. Once you experience them, it is important to take immediate action.
Depression Relapse Help
Depression is a mental illness and though many people suffer from this disorder, they may be hesitant to let others know about it. They may feel shy to come and communicate this to their doctor. For such people, depression relapse help is a great challenge.
It is important to remember that depression is not a disease that can strike us just once in a lifetime. For some people, it can become a lifelong and a chronic illness that can relapse or recur many times. It has been seen that on an average, many people suffering from depression may have five to six episodes during their lifetime. These people require immediate depression relapse help and should not hesitate to consult their doctors.
There are plenty of websites that can provide a lot of information on depression relapse and provide timely, depression relapse help. Doctors usually feel that relapse is another episode of depression that can happen within six months after the patient is being treated for major depression. Irrespective of timeline it can be really demoralizing to experience depression symptoms like fatigue, sadness, irritability that creeps back in your life over and over again. Doctors usually suggest some antidepressants in order to cure depression.
Majority of antidepressants are available in generic form now and are really inexpensive. However, it is really important for you not to let depression linger without giving the right treatment. There is no element of doubt that depression can cause physical damage on the body and the brain, and the longer a person remains depressed, the more damage it causes.
So for depression relapse prevention it is important to consider medication as soon as possible if counseling is really impossible for you in your current situation.