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Ecstacy Popular Amongst Teens

Ecstacy is, in fact, one of the most popular drugs amongst teens. Ecstacy, a natural antidepressant, is also commonly known as ‘E’, ‘XTC’, ‘adam’, ‘molly’, ‘love drug’ etc. However, the most popular name remains to be ecstacy. Ecstacy popularity has been on a rise and youngsters seem to getting the most out of it. Medically known as MDMA (3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), ecstacy is a common drug amongst individuals also using LSD, cocaine, marijuana, heroine, meth etc. Ectasy popularity information points to a number of factors that have made ectasy this popular amongst teens.

Ecstacy Effects

The biggest misjudgment teens and a lot of other ecstacy users make is to consider the natural antidepressant to have no adverse effects. The unfavorable immediate effects of the drug include nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite and concentration, irregular heart activity, dehydration and so on. However, ecstacy popularity facts reveal that teens discount these effects as “not harmful” and continue with their addiction. They do not tend to realize how a small experiment gradually grows into an addiction.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure and increasingly fast lifestyles literally define how teens approach their lives. There is always the pressure to fit in and be cool. Ecstacy popularity information states that a lot of teens get into the habit just because everyone else is doing. However, once they get a taste of the drug, they find the effects so desirable that they cannot keep themselves of it. This is one of the major reasons that ecstacy popularity has really shot up amongst teens.

Ecstacy Facts

However, not all teens need to be initiated into using this natural antidepressant. Bad parenting coupled with an unfavorable environment at home also pushes a lot of teens into drug abuse as well as alcoholism. Since ecstacy causes such euphoric emotions that help an individual get over his or her anxiety, the drug is also a big hit with youngsters undergoing a stressful time. Ecstacy popularity facts state that these youngsters find the love and solace they are craving for in their addiction. It becomes that much harder to get such an individual of the addiction.

Again, with the rise in the popularity of raves and club parties, the incessant need for energy and having a good time does not really give the body time to recuperate. Under these conditions, teens do not want to sit back and relax and this is where ecstacy popularity comes into the picture. The drug gives euphoric boosts in energy levels and helps these teens dance and have fun without getting exhausted.

Ecstacy popularity information reads that the following aftermath known as the come-down is just taken in the stride by these teenagers. They either accept it as a part of their actions or resort to more drugs to feel better again. This is where the vicious cycle of addiction takes its roots. It begins with a few ecstacy pills in a week and before these youngsters can realize what has overtaken them, they are already addicted to this and many more drugs.

According to Ecstacy popularity facts, the number of ecstacy related emergency cases are increasing by the year. However, all these facts and figures do not seem to dampen the spirits of teens who still believe in having a good time at the risk of their well being.