Do you know how it feels when taking ecstasy and what it is? Originally “ecstasy” was used to replace the abbreviation MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), which is in short a psychedelic drug which causes euphoria. When taking MDMA one experiences feelings of love and unity with the surrounding world and himself as well as happiness which is due to serotonin hormone excretion. The condition can be also characterized as feeling safety, self-acceptance, raise of energy, desire and drive increasing, self-confidence improving, feeling of empathy, compassion and forgiveness, alertness, awareness, wakefulness increasing and some others.
Ecstasy Effects
The specimen has been successfully used in medicine for depression cure. MDMA causes no addiction, but still it can be dangerous: overdose might lead to death. There are also more or less strong other cons against using it. People might loose appetite, feel dizziness, suffer from dehydration as MDMA effects in a way that changes thermotaxis. Exhaustion and aches may also happen after huge physical activity which is also a consequence of MDMA influence. Psychological negative effects take place as well as physiological ones. That is about fatigue, anxiety, paranoia and depression. It can be explained by a lack of serotonin hormone which is thrown in the brain in large portions under the MDMA influence. Depression might also become chronic. As you understand that must be cured.
Ecstasy Hangover Cure
The cure for the ecstasy hangover is better to be with natural antidepressants. For example Huperzine A can be a treatment for MDMA depression. It is produced out of a Chinese plant which is called firmoss Huperzia serrata. Huperzine A is normally used as an Alzheimer disease treatment. It also has positive effects on memory, focus and other things. It effects in a way that the connection between muscles and nerves becomes clearer and therefore the reaction gets stronger. The positive functions of Huperzine A include cognition and concentration support as well as protection of the number, size and function of cholinergic neurons. The drug is natural and therefore is safer than the other drugs on the market which is a pro for using it. It is not too expensive.
Huperzine A Effects
Huperzine A is a well-tolerated drug. However, in big doses it might be toxic. Huperzine A side effects might be insomnia and hyperactivity, vomiting, upset stomach, swollen or itchy skin, skin hives, rash, tightness in the chest or throat, chest pain, and breathing problems, the last ones could put using it as MDMA hangover treatment. Still you know that it is a natural drug to overcome exhaustion, fatigue, to support and strengthen the nervous system, to balance processes.
Anyways the treatment certainly must be discussed with a doctor, who will be able give professional advice on the effectiveness of the drug in this or that situations. The first question is whether one really needs ecstasy to walk away from reality and feel safe and happy for a short period of time, but will suffer from a long lasting depression, which should be cured with natural antidepressants? Better to think twice before starting something like that.