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MDMA Under Your Tongue

In this article, you can find the right kind of MDMA information. MDMA crushed under the tongue is similar to the technique of MDMA intake called parachuting ecstasy where the ecstasy powder is wrapped in a tiny tissue paper parachute and gulped down.  Placing the MDMA powder under the tongue serves the same purpose that is of fast dissolution of the pill in your system. However, when you are trying MDMA under the impression that it is a natural antidepressant, you are clearly mistaken because MDMA is not any natural antidepressant at all. MDMA or ecstasy actually triggers the increased secretion of natural antidepressant neurochemicals like serotonin and dopamine in the human body, thereby attributing for the feel good feelings associated with the pills.

MDMA Information

Moreover, it might also interest you to know that the MDMA pill that you are popping in for psychedelic MDMA effects, might not be an ecstasy pill in the first place. There can be different kinds of drugs and chemicals like heroin or cocaine that might have been amalgamated with the pill. Therefore, it is always important to not deviate into using any banned drug in the first place, but if you as a grown up adult is still inclined to try ecstasy then at least pill test the pill that you have. A simple Marquis Reagent pill testing kit will be able to do the trick for you. Also, sites like www.pillreports.com consists of all kinds of necessary pill information that you might have.

MDMA Effects

Since you are looking up for MDMA information regarding MDMA effects of crushing the pill and putting it below the tongue, it is understood that you might not have actually tried it out. If you haven’t done so yet, but is planning to do it, this article suggests that you refrain dear reader from doing so. This is because MDMA and ecstasy is a banned drug, and like all chemicals, it also has some serious abusive effects on your body. However, if you are already a MDMA user, then kindly at least make it a point that you are maintaining a respectable distance between two MDMA tablets. You must see that your MDMA effects adventure should not ruin your life in drug abuse. You have a responsibility towards yourself the most.

Crushing MDMA

The straightforward answer to the question is of course MDMA absorbs faster in the body once you crush it and place it beneath your tongue, but the question that is unasked it is it really necessary for you for the MDMA absorb faster in your body? If you are suffering from acute depression and you are feeling lightheaded for a moment but waking up two days late with an even more acute sense of depression, then, dear reader did the pill, actually help in comforting your depression? It does not seem so apparently. So, there you see is no point in crushing the pill and placing it under your tongue or even popping the pill. It is critical to understand that there is no magic pill of MDMA effects for curing depression. Depression is just a state of mind that you would have to alter to a joyous state by actions that bring you real happiness. It’s that simple actually. Hopefully, this piece of MDMA information helps you outdo your depression.