With the stress and lifestyle habits of current times, mood disorders, depression and anxiety have become an unwelcome part of a people’s lives. The chemical culprit of fluctuating moods is a brain chemical known as Serotonin, the levels of which dictates the moods of a person. A low level of serotonin may lead to negative thoughts while a high amount leads to uplifted and an overall life enhancement. Many people suffering from negative moods etc. accede to the habit of relying on anti depressant drugs can be purchased either over-the-counter or through prescriptions. However the adverse side-effects experienced by people due to the continued used of anti-depressants is luring people towards natural mood enhancement options.
Natural Mood Enhancement Techniques
Researches have shown that enhancing your mood naturally is successfully possible through changing habits and lifestyle, top supplements for anxiety, dietary changes, as well as consuming certain herbs with anti-depressant properties.
Herbal Remedies
The most popular herb effective in the treatment of an imbalanced brain chemistry leading to negative mood disorder is St. John’s Wort. The extracts from this plant appear to replicate the effect of anti-depressants in the brain, in a gentler manner, by promoting healthy levels of serotonin in the nervous system and fostering positive moods. Another well known herb in the list of natural mood enhancers includes passion flower. It works as a tonic for the nervous systems and induces sensations of relaxation, serenity and calmness. Extracts of lavender, used in the form of oil for aromatherapy or as an herbal tea can help alleviate symptoms of depression as well.
Dietary Supplements
Foods rich in serotonin or other chemicals such that aid in the production of serotonin in the brain can also aid in natural mood enhancement. Foods such as turkey, banana, leafy vegetables, broccoli and sea food etc., rich in vitamins B and D, as well as omega 3 fatty acids promote serotonin levels in the brain, thus acting as natural mood enhancers.
Supplementing the hectic life routines with moderate form of exercises, relaxation techniques or yoga etc. go a long way in enhancing your mood naturally. Science has proved that exercises boost the production of endorphins and other mood alleviating neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin etc. which in turn vamp up the moods in people.
Advantages Of Enhancing Your Mood Naturally
One of the major benefits of naturally enhancing your mood is that it has no side-effects on the human body and can be consumed for prolonged periods without any harm. The effects of drugs prescribed by doctors have different impacts on different people. While they may suit some people, others risk the possibility of an imbalance in the chemical constituency in the brain, thereby deteriorating their condition further. Secondly, natural mood enhancing techniques are also considered safe by people suffering from other illnesses, lactating or pregnant females etc. Another important advantage of natural remedies is the reduced risk of interaction with other drugs. Lastly, natural mood enhancers help in the treatment of mood disorders in a much more economical way. The treatment of depression, anxiety etc. through drugs, psychiatric visits etc. can bill into substantial amounts.