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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Defintion

Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the most severe disorders related to anxiety. This anxiety disorder is usually brought upon when an individual witnesses or experiences a deeply disturbing and traumatic event and is unable to cope with the shock of the situation. Some of the most common risk factors and causes include war trauma, being victim to terrorism or other similar attacks, prison stay, rape, domestic abuse and violence, assault etc. There are some reasons behind why post-traumatic stress disorder occurs but many other kinds of events and experiences  and effects like depression and low sex drive in men can also set off the disorder.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms

The best way to understand the disorder is to take a deeper look into the source. The following are some of the most common post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.


An individual usually gets emotionally numb at this stage and tries avoiding confrontation with people, situations as well as thoughts. The patient tends to feel detached and is also unable to remember many important incidents related to the traumatic experience. This leads to symptoms similar to depression wherein the individual loses interest in most activities which he/she enjoyed earlier. In fact, the disorder leads to disinterest in life on the whole which could also turn to a suicidal situation. A patient with this problem tends to get less expressive and sees no future in anything.


Another one of the most unmistakable and common post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms causes the individual to relive the traumatic event even after it has passed. This causes disruption of day to day activity. The patient may also suffer from flashback episodes which make the individual feel like the feared event takes place over and over again. Treatment for atypical depression in this scenario is seen as one of the routes to take. This may include periodic nightmares of the event or uncontrollable and unusual reactions to situations that may bear some resemblance to the traumatic event.


An individual suffering from this disorder is bound to be highly strung and easily aroused with the most basic situations. This may include simple signs such as the individual getting startled easily or difficulty in concentration. Patients of this disorder tend to give reactions that seem to be exaggerated when compared to the intensity of the situation. This makes the individual a bit too aware about his/her surroundings also making him/her more irritable. This can lead to sudden anger outbursts, problems in sleep and lots more.

There are several herbal supplements for treating post-traumatic stress disorder that provide a clean and safe solution to the problem. Some of these herbal supplements that are used for post-traumatic stress disorder include valerian, polygala root, passionflower, kava kava, hops, holy basil, chamomile, catnip and ashwagandha. Though these herbal supplements for  post-traumatic stress disorder are rather effective, you must realize that post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious psychological disorder and must be treated under profession guidance. So, one must ensure that the patient receives the required medical and professional attention apart from alternative solutions for the problem. This is the best way to prevent any further to the patient’s psychological condition.