If you just lost a job or didn’t quite successfully end a project, there’s nothing wrong in feeling sad about it. If you have lost someone in your family or friends or relatives and you are feeling sad about, there’s nothing wrong in doing that. However, if one of these cases or something else happened 2 years back and you are still worried about it; it is sadness. We are referring to the state of mind which is not what everyone else in the world has when they feel sad. We are talking about a different form of sadness and the sadness symptoms given below will give you a better idea of what we are talking about.
Common Symptoms Of Sadness
A person who is suffering from a sadness which is more of a mood disorder than an ordinary expression of feeling will have following symptoms:
• He will look at things in a more skeptical way than anyone else.
• He is sad about something for quite some time now. This is the most important of sadness symptoms because normally when you are sad about something, it is only temporary and is gone within a few hours. If the shock is of high extent, you might be sad for 2 or 3 weeks.
• The person will be sad about so many things that at time he is not able to realize himself what exactly he is sad about.
• Such a person might lose his will to accept challenges and feel unworthy of doing anything worthwhile.
• He will develop a barrier between his world of thoughts and real life. He will not let any happiness from real life enter his world.
• He will lose interest in sports and all other activities that are for fun.
• He will get annoyed and agitated at things very quickly. He might feel guilty about being irritated all the time like this but will not be able to control it when he should.
• Death becomes a favorite subject to discuss and talk about.
• This person might also feel tired and wearisome without doing anything that requires effort.
• He might arrange a gloomy atmosphere in his room.
• Some physical changes could also occur including too much or not appetite at all. Drastic lose or gain of weight.
• Pain in joints is another common symptom.
These are the most common sadness symptoms that are observed in a person who is sad to the point of depression.
What Could Be Done To Treat Sadness
There are many ways to get rid of constant sadness but herbal supplements for sadness are the easiest ones to adopt. Herbal supplements for sadness include a very effective formula called the pineal concentrate. Other herbal supplements for sadness that could be effective with least or without any side effects include the ones containing lavender, SAMe, St. Johns wort, Vitamin B6 and B12, 5-HTP, passionflower, arctic root, valerian root, winter cherry etc. All these herbs and supplements made from these herbs are available online. You could use the latest discount codes and offers to buy them at extremely low rates.