If you are affected by social anxiety, don’t worry; you are one among millions of people who get affected due to social anxiety. Never feel that you are alone and feel helpless that nobody is helping you. If you have extreme shyness then there is a great possibility that you might be hit by social anxiety attack. The patient who is suffering from such an attack might get stressed when the person is teased or criticized. They will become nervous while they need to meet new people and stress reduction seems impossible. These individuals will have a fear complex when they get all the attention in a group. They will also get worried when they wok with people who are authoritative. These symptoms do indicate that you have social anxiety attack and there are many social anxiety treatments available to get out of this problem.
The persons will also show such symptoms if they are being watched while at work and also at social gatherings. These individuals will have issues while being friendly with their colleagues and trying to be romantic with their lover. This is a common problem and many will not be willing to come forward and accept that they suffer from social anxiety attack. There are quite a few types of social anxiety treatments and ways of dealing with anxiety that are successful from simple medical treatment to certain therapies that will help them get out of this problem.
How To Look For Social Anxiety Symptoms
A few common reasons that spark off social anxiety symptoms are:
• Confronting superiors
• Taking an exam.
• Stage performance.
• Upon being watched while performing a task.
• Bumping into new people.
• Giving a speech.
• Upon being mocked or disapproved of
If you see that you are experiencing any of these social anxiety symptoms it is time to consult your immediately.
Causes Of Social Anxiety
There are many reasons that can be considered as causes of social anxiety. Understanding all the causes of social anxiety can help the person get rid of this mental disorder soon.
Simple medication is one effective social anxiety treatment that is generally recommended to such individuals. Anti-anxiety and beta-blockers are types of medications that are recommended that will be helpful for treating social anxiety. These medications might not have immediate impact but will take a few weeks to have an actual effect on them. The medications will actually help to lessen the anxiety but it will not completely cure the social anxiety. The medication should be administered only based on the recommendation of the physician and should not be taken otherwise.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the best and leading treatment types of social anxiety treatment. This therapy actually works on the brain and makes the individual think about what to do and how to do. Since the major part on social anxiety is about how you feel and what you feel, this therapy will have a great impact on such people. It will teach the person on new ways of thinking and how the person will have to behave in social places. This therapy is being widely used and is recommended by several psychologists and therapists.
The cognitive therapy can produce long-term impact on the individuals and will be consistent. This will help in successful treatment of these individuals and make them come out of the social anxiety disorder. This treatment will make the individual get confidence about their social activity. Such treatment will be recommended to those who are not affected with other brain disorders. For quick social anxiety treatment the therapy is combined with medication and this has great impact on the individual.