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Tag Archives: anxiety attack from alcohol

Can Drinking Alcohol Contribute To An Anxiety Attack

Anxiety refers to the feeling of fear, apprehension, dread and nervousness and sometimes brings panic attack too. If you think that drinking alcohol do not contribute to an anxiety attack then you are wrong. There are many people who suffer from anxiety attack symptoms and who are not aware of the alcohol effects. Alcohol Effects If alcohol is taken in small quantity then it can help you to calm down but excess drinking of alcohol can bring anxiety attacks. The anxiety attack symptom is also same like the other form of panic attacks and involves fears, sweating, trembling and does vinpocetine put you in a good mood right away. Majority of people go for anxiety attack medication without consulting any doctor. Without the anxiety attack information if they start taking medicine there are chances of the medication result in some negative side effects. Natural antidepressant is best because they do not have any side effects. Anxiety Attack Information You can read through anxiety attack information and come to know about the symptoms of anxiety. Alcohol affects your mood, since it affects the serotonin level in your brain. Serotonin is a feel good chemical that is present in your brain. If serotonin supply is less in quantity, it can cause the feeling of depression which is the symptom of anxiety attack. Drop down in your blood sugar results in confusion, nervousness, numbness, dizziness, weakness and shaking which is also a form of anxiety attack symptom.  Anxiety attack medication is available for treating ...

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