B12 is an important vitamin that is found in some foods naturally. It is also available as a supplement and alternative therapies. It is one of the important nutrients, as it helps in regulating neurological functions and proper formation of red blood cells. It is essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system. Foods Rich in Vitamin B12 Many animal products like shellfish, eggs, meat, cheese and eggs are good B12 foods. Shellfish is the highest source of B12 and it can be taken baked, fried or steamed. Clams, mussels and oysters are also excellent B12 foods. Liver of beef, lamb, turkey, goose and duck is packed with B12. 100 gram serving of lamb liver offers 85.7 µg of B12. Octopus is a B12 rich food. Japanese, Mediterranean and Hawaiian cuisines have place for octopus. You can get 36 µg of vitamin B12 from 100 gram cooked octopus. Fish is renowned as a source of omega 3 fats. However, it is also a great source of vitamin B12. Mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon, cod, herring, bluefish and trout are some of the best B12 foods that help improve your health. Baked and steamed crab and lobster contain this vitamin in higher amounts. Though animal products are the best sources of B12, vegetarians can also get their daily dose by taking some foods. Cheese, yeast extract spreads, milk, yogurt and whey powder are some of the good sources of this vitamin. B12 Benefits • Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in converting carbohydrate ...
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How Do B12 Vitamins Work
Many macro and micronutrients are required by our body to stay healthy; among the micronutrients, vitamins play a vital role in helping the body to perform many functions normally. Accordingly, B12 vitamin is one of the significant serotonin vitamins required for the usual function of the body. B12 vitamin is also well-known as cobalamin. They are similar to the hemoglobin present in the RBC’s (red blood cell) but contain cobalt in place of iron. They are water- soluble and one of the last to be discovered in its group. Important Functions Performed by B12 Vitamin B12 vitamin plays a vital role in the proper functioning of the nervous system, brain and production of red blood cell and also acts as a natural antidepressant. Role in Metabolism and Nervous System B12 vitamin is required in the proper metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and also in the protein synthesis. B12 Vitamin helps the nervous system to work properly by producing genetic material (RNA and DNA) and red blood cells required by it, therefore is tryptophan safe the pernicious anemia. Likewise, it is helpful in curing many neurological disorders as Multiple Sclerosis, by recovering the damaged nerves. Decreases the risk of Heart Disorders It also controls the increased level of homocysteine in the blood along with the B6 and B9 vitamins, which helps in curing the heart disorders, as the elevated level of homocysteinein increases the risks of heart diseases. As Natural Antidepressant It is proven through many studies that the deficiency of B12 vitamin can ...
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