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Tag Archives: B12 vitamin depression treatment

Recommended Dose Of B12 Vitamins For Depression

Vitamin B12 has long been thought to affect mood. The deficiency of B12 vitamin ecstasy has been found to be associated with a number of depression like symptoms. In fact most B12 vitamin information shows that with the inclusion of supplements most of these symptoms go away if these symptoms are caused due to a deficiency in B12 vitamin. B12 Vitamin Supplement Info There are cases however when the depression symptoms do not go away and prevent long term depression, and it is thought that in such cases the causative agent is something other than the deficiency of B12 vitamin ecstasy. The only problem is that although vitamins have been studied for a number of decades, all their uses in the body are not known. For instance, a number of diseases and disorders that were not associated with B12 vitamin deficiency have since been added to the list because some relationship has been found between the lack of B12 vitamin and how common is long term depression ecstasy and the disease. B12 Vitamin Side Effects For example, until now one of the B12 vitamin side effects was the disorder pernicious anemia. This disease is genetic and is invariably caused due to low levels of the vitamin. Now a relationship has been found between bipolar disorder and pernicious anemia leading to the belief that there is some connection between the lack of B12 vitamin MDMA and bipolar disorder. There is other B12 vitamin information to show that clinical depression has been associated ...

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How Do B12 Vitamins Work

Many macro and micronutrients are required by our body to stay healthy; among the micronutrients, vitamins play a vital role in helping the body to perform many functions normally. Accordingly, B12 vitamin is one of the significant serotonin vitamins required for the usual function of the body. B12 vitamin is also well-known as cobalamin. They are similar to the hemoglobin present in the RBC’s (red blood cell) but contain cobalt in place of iron. They are water- soluble and one of the last to be discovered in its group. Important Functions Performed by B12 Vitamin B12 vitamin plays a vital role in the proper functioning of the nervous system, brain and production of red blood cell and also acts as a natural antidepressant. Role in Metabolism and Nervous System B12 vitamin is required in the proper metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and also in the protein synthesis. B12 Vitamin helps the nervous system to work properly by producing genetic material (RNA and DNA) and red blood cells required by it, therefore is tryptophan safe the pernicious anemia. Likewise, it is helpful in curing many neurological disorders as Multiple Sclerosis, by recovering the damaged nerves. Decreases the risk of Heart Disorders It also controls the increased level of homocysteine in the blood along with the B6 and B9 vitamins, which helps in curing the heart disorders, as the elevated level of   homocysteinein increases the risks of heart diseases. As Natural Antidepressant It is proven through many studies that the deficiency of B12 vitamin can ...

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Do B12 Vitamins Treat Depression

Vitamins are like fuel for the body. They help us in carrying out our daily activities properly and let us live a healthy life. So, their proper balance is necessary for both our body and life. Among many other important vitamins, benefits gotu kola is very much required by our body and for the normal functions of many of our organs, which mainly include brain, nervous system and blood production etc. B12 vitamin as a natural anti-depressant B12 vitamin is a gem of a vitamin, as it helps us to fight back depression, proved by many studies. Though it was officially discovered very late, but it has been in use for centuries in the form of herbal medicine as a cure of depression. Therefore, it is a natural anti-depressant. B12 vitamin role in treating Depression by regulating Hormones B12 vitamin helps in regulating and stimulating the activities of the hormones and neurotransmitters that have a positive natural remedies for depression during menstruation effect on your mood and emotions. Thus, B12 vitamin supplements help in boasting up the energy level of the body and help one to perform all the routine activities energetically. B12 vitamins regulate the functions of the hormones that include Melatonin, Dopamine and Serotonin, as the role of dopamine is to control body movement and increase motivation. Serotonin is called as “Hormone of Happiness”, hence it controls the mood of an individual, and Melatonin has an effect on mood swings and is helpful in treating cluster headaches, depression and ...

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