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Tag Archives: beneficial effects of chamomile extract

Beneficial Effects of Chamomile Extract

Ancient Egyptians found several beneficial effects of Chamomile Extract, as they used it as an important ingredient when preparing the embalming oil in which they preserved their pharaohs. The Chamomile extract is a very popular herb since those times and is known for its medicinal importance. It was also used as a cosmetic since ancient times and has been held in high regard, used by Greeks, Romans and other ancient cultures, as there are no known Chamomile extract side effects. The Chamomile flower comes from an aromatic plant and started being used in the beer brewing process as well. Useful Effects of Chamomile Extract There are different varieties of the chamomile herb and it is actually a family of plants. Though they all look similar, they have unique properties, which can be seen in the unique benefits of chamomile extract. It is an ideal ingredient to be used for herbal supplements for depression. The dried flower can be stored in a container and kept for a year. Chamomile is popularly used by adding it to tea to relieve several conditions of anxiety and insomnia. It also aids colic and migraines as well as indigestion. It is also beneficial for the skin and the hair. These are some of the effects of Chamomile extract. It is also used as skin mask and for removing itchiness and soreness of the skin due to allergies. Supplements Containing Chamomile Extract If you are suffering from any symptoms, such as mood swings, insomnia, lack of ...

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