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Valerian Root Benefits

Valerian root is an herb that is widely used to treat anxiety, sleep problems and depression. Valerian root supplement is available in the form of tablet, capsule, powder and liquid extract, which help improve the quality of sleep and can help with something like a depressed spouse without causing dependency or side effects. Understanding valerian root benefits can help you decide whether to use the supplement or not. Valerian Root Benefits Information Valerian root benefits have been known for centuries as a natural remedy for restlessness, insomnia, anxiety and the management of depression. It can also help treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, epilepsy, menopause symptoms like hot flashes, chronic fatigue syndrome and abdominal cramps.  Relieving rheumatic pain, migraine and muscle tensions are some other major valerian root benefits. Valerian root supplement can be used as a mild tranquilizer to get relief from emotional stress. It is as effective as prescription sedatives, but it offers relief from trouble sleeping and falling asleep without causing any side effects. It can also help treat intestinal colic, dysmenorrhea, confusion, hysteria, menopausal dysfunction, nervous excitability, premenstrual syndrome and tranquilizer withdrawal. The compounds in Valerian root supplement help increase gamma aminobutyric acid, which is a brain chemical helping in creating a calming effect naturally. Valerian root may be given to children to relieve sleep problems and depression. However, children who are sensitive to depression medications may also be sensitive to valerian root. Hence, it is important to consult with a pediatrician before giving the supplement to ...

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