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Tag Archives: bipolar low sex drive

Bipolar Disorder Low Sex Drive

Before you can get a clear idea of bipolar low sex drive, it is essential to understand what a bipolar disorder actually is. Bipolar disorders are psychological in nature and are normally characterized by two ends of the behavioral and mood spectrum. In other words, patients of bipolar disorders feel intense depression melancholia causes at one moment and euphoric happiness the very next. The frequency of these mood swings varies from person to person and may also have varying effects on the individual. This is where bipolar low sex drive comes into the picture. Sex drive is directly influenced by mood swings and the corresponding chemicals in the brain so it is but obvious for a person suffering from bipolar disorders to experience a change in sex drive as well. The effects of bipolar disorders can also vary. For example, an individual may experience a sudden boost in sex drive or even sex addiction during manic phases. On the other hand, depressive phases may lead the same individual to lose interest in sex completely. We are only going to discuss bipolar disorder low sex drive to start with. Bipolar Disorders And Low Sex Drive Are Intricately Connected Patients of bipolar disorders usually experience a drop in libido during depressive phases and this could carry forward to the manic episodes as well. While these symptoms may be temporary or permanent like during serotonin syndrome treatment, they are going to have a lasting effect on the patient’s relationship with his/her partner. The ...

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