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Tag Archives: club drugs at raves

Club Drugs Popular At Raves

Club drugs represent a category of drugs that has become extremely popular during recent years. Club drugs popularity is often associated with rave parties, because these are the most common social gatherings where teenagers and young adults get involved in drug abuse. Most of these drugs are responsible for a sudden release of natural antidepressant in the brain, which translates in an elevated state of euphoria. The music and the flashing lights often help increase the effect of the drug, which is why club drugs popularity information shows a clear connection between social events like rave parties and drug abuse. Some Facts On Club Drugs Popularity Recent studies conducted by organizations studying drug abuse among teenagers and young adults show some club drugs popularity facts that may throw more light on why a strong connection can be found between rave parties and drug consumption. About 89% of those attending rave parties admit that they have done club drugs at least once, and half of them admit that they have used such drugs in the last month. These club drugs popularity facts are worrying enough, since it seems that the youngsters doing such drugs are not aware of the dangers associated with abuse of hallucinogenic substances. They only see the pleasant effects of natural antidepressant, and they do not understand that neurotoxicity is one of the worst long term effects of drug abuse. Such club drugs popularity information provided by independent and governmental organizations should trigger a signal of alarm, since ...

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