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Tag Archives: club drugs definition

What Do Club Drugs Do

You would have to be a hermit in the Himalayas to have not heard of the growing club drug phenomenon that is sweeping the club and party scene not only in this country but around the world as well. The demand for drugs like ecstasy, ketamine and older yet still commonly used substances like cocaine has caused into existence a worldwide network of drug producers and drug smugglers. Movies have been made on the subject. Books have been written. And yet very few people have club drugs information about what it is they actually do apart from those that have tried it or are addicted. This article explains the effects of club drugs to the uninitiated. We will look at three common club drugs, discuss their effect on the body and consciousness and explore what the effects of club drugs comedown are. Popular Club Drugs The most popular club drug and the one we are going to begin with is ecstasy. Ecstasy is a synthetic chemical that has a little bit of everything. It stimulates your body like speed. It causes a feeling of euphoria and light hallucinations like LSD. It even has antidepressant qualities like a natural antidepressant. The mixture of all these characteristics is what gives ecstasy users that unique feeling of being extremely happy, uninhibited and one with the world. The effects of club drugs comedown after using a substance like ecstasy include depression, extreme mood swings, lethargy and feelings of hopelessness. Club Drugs Information An equally ...

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