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Tag Archives: club drugs hangover

Club Drug Abuse More Common in Europe Than America

Club drugs are the drugs that are commonly abused in underground teenage clubs called “raves.” Club drugs abuse has become a symbol of teenage fun and therefore is gaining more popularity with passing years. These drugs include MDMA, which is in a pure form, and Ecstasy which is basically MDMA adulterated with other harmful substances like cocaine. Club Drugs Abuse Club drugs abuse is becoming more common throughout the world. This is primarily because of the club drugs effect as they induce an intense feeling of euphoria and work as natural antidepressants. More club drugs abuse effects include a heightened sexual desire and disinhibition. As club drugs abuse effects include accidents, risky sexual behavior such as date rapes and unprotected sex. According to club drug abuse information, the action as natural antidepressants reinforces the use of club drugs along with other factors influencing their popularity among young age groups. Europe and Club Drugs Consider any European country for the comparison. In the Netherlands, for example, the statistics for Ecstasy prevalence were 2.3% I 1997, and in 2005 the figure raised to 4.3%. In the same area, on the same population the previous year prevalence in 2005 was 1.2%. The statistics further show that club drugs abuse is far more popular among students than the use cocaine, amphetamines and heroin. In 2000-2001, the lifetime prevalence of Ecstasy in Netherlands was 3.2%, implying that 3.2% of the population had used the drug at some point in their life. And at the same ...

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Club Drugs More Dangerous To Women Than Men

Club drugs use dangers are relevant for both men and women, though it can be somewhat more dangerous to women owing to the difference in physical construction of men and women. Men do not have to bear babies so in women there is an additional risk of affecting the baby if the woman is a club drugs addict. This is one of the most serious club drug dangers that anyone should be aware of. Club Drugs Information There are different kinds of club drugs, some are more dangerous than others. Another notorious club drugs use dangers is that they have been associated with sexual assault on women and men too. These notorious club drugs use dangers have earned them the bad name of being date rape drugs. The article here presents important club drugs danger information and how to avoid them. Also, here is presented information on how to deal with club drugs dangers in the smart way by gathering useful club drugs information from the net and take an informed decision regarding the same. Useful Information is the only way to save yourself from the abusive club drugs. Kinds of Club Drugs There are different kinds of club drugs, and some are least addictive and some others are very addictive. For example there are drugs like molly or ecstasy which are somewhat least addictive than other club drugs but they are nevertheless dangerous. Then again there are club drugs other than ecstasy or molly ,which are very very dangerous. ...

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Water To Help My Club Drugs Hangover

Drinking water is considered to be the best club drugs hangover cure, but many wonder whether it is a good idea to drink water before experiencing the coming down or afterwards. Club drugs hangover information provided by users shows that proper hydration plays an important role while being high on the natural antidepressant forced into the brain by drugs, but also during the day after. Since a lot of people go dancing and partying when they do drugs, muscle aches are among the most common club drugs hangover effects. If the muscles receive enough water during the intense exercise stimulated by the lack of pain sensations when high on drugs, they will not hurt as much the next day. Here is some club drugs hangover information on why it is important to keep yourself properly hydrated while taking drugs at rave parties, and also the next day, when you are going through the well known club drugs hangover. On The Dance Floor Because the natural antidepressant that floods the brain suppresses any sensation of pain, you will find it easy to dance and party all night long, and you will surely not think about the morning after, and the club drugs hangover you will have to deal with. An important piece of advice that will help you stay away from trouble, and away from transforming your night out into a visit to the emergency room, is to keep a drink close. Orange juice or plain water works just fine, as ...

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Club Drugs and Serotonin Receptors

Serotonin receptors exist inside specialized brain cells and their role is to flush out the natural antidepressant the body makes when it is needed. While their activity is regulated by natural processes inside the brain, this activity is messed up when club drugs come into play. During recent years, research studies have tried to demonstrate that using too many club drugs for a prolonged period of time can lead to severe brain damage. While it seems that the jury is still out on whether permanent damage is among club drugs effects on the long term or not, there is a truth about club drugs information now readily available that scientists are trying to prove. How Serotonin Receptors Work The structure of nervous cells is specific and complicated, and serotonin receptors are just part of a far more complex mechanism. Since serotonin is a natural antidepressant, its roles are multiple. Although known as the happiness hormone, serotonin is much more than that; it helps in the process of learning and memorizing new habits and things. If this balance is messed up, problems of mental nature can occur. According to some club drugs information recently revealed, the prolonged consumption of this type of substances can lead to down-regulation of brain activities that are vital, especially during the growth period. Normally, serotonin receptors work at a certain rhythm and they release small quantities of natural antidepressant from time to time. This is how the brain usually works; when taking club drugs, the situation ...

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Club Drugs Hangover

Club drugs are increasingly popular among teenagers and young adults, and many are not aware of the possible effects for their health if they continue to consume drugs on a regular basis. One thing that they are sure to notice, though, is the club drugs hangover, that will happen the very next day. Because these drugs are responsible for depleting the natural antidepressant in the user’s system, the lack of it will be felt at a high intensity. There are club drugs hangover effects that are quite tough to deal with, which is why drug abusers say that such an experience is always hard to come by. The following club drugs hangover information will help you get through the next day easier, although it is well known that time is the only perfect club drugs hangover cure. Drinking Water Proper hydration is key when wanting to get rid of the terrible club drugs hangover effects. When abusing drugs and alcohol, the body loses large quantities of water, and, without the valuable liquid, the internal organs do not function properly, and your mind will suffer, as well. Club drugs hangover is known to be caused by the depletion of important neurotransmitters in the brain, and water is the simplest, yet the most important ingredient, in the recipe needed by your body in order to restart producing natural antidepressant again. There is no valid club drugs hangover cure that does not include a bottle of water; keep this little piece of club ...

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Club Drugs Immediate Effects

The use of club drugs is increasing as the dance parties at clubs and bars are becoming more popular. The suppliers of the club drugs are not regulated. They are illegal and there is all the chance that these drugs could be contaminated by the time they are used, resulting in unpredictable after effects. Common Club Drugs The most common club drugs are lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), Methamphetamine (Speed), Rohypnol (Rophies), Ketamine (Special K), Gamma Hydroxyl Butyrate (GHB), and Methyline Dioxy Methamphetamine (Ecstasy). There are various effects of club drugs. Ecstasy was first used as an appetite suppressant and a natural anti depressant. It was found to have hallucinogenic properties. This pill causes an increase in the heart rate. If taken in high doses, it can cause total brain damage. It increases receptive sensitivity to music as it exhilarates. The experience of colors and sound may be more intense. The effects of club drugs comedown with Ecstasy are not so appealing. They increase anxiety and bring us extreme paranoia. People feel emotionally and physically drained. The club drugs information reveals that Ecstasy can affect the memory functions too. Club Drugs Information GHB was first used to release a growth hormone to build muscles. It can cause breathing problems and temporary loss of the senses.  One of the main reasons why GHB is so popular in the clubs is because of its effect on music. There is an intensifying effect on tones and volume. It brings intense dizziness and amnesia as ...

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Club Drugs Flashback

Flashbacks sometimes occur in users of club drugs, even if they have not used the illegal substances for a long period of time. A regular flashback usually consists of visual hallucinations and other disturbances which are very similar to the ones experienced by the user when they were under the influence of the club drugs. However, such club drugs effects are not often mentioned among the health consequences of these substances, which means that the flashback episodes may be related to other particularities of each case than only the use of club drugs. What People Are Affected It is not very easy to identify which cases are affected by flashbacks of this kind. Since many people consume such drugs, because they love the sensations triggered by the natural antidepressant released by the active substances in their drug of choice, it is interesting to notice that only a small minority actually goes through the experience of having flashbacks. Not enough club drugs information is available yet on flashbacks and why exactly they occur. Another interesting thing about these flashback episodes is that they can occur even years after giving up on drugs and the club drugs effects worn off. Since club drugs are yet to be demonstrated to have permanent impact on brain activity, there is no clear explanation why these events take place. How Does A Club Drugs Flashback Look Like Those that have experienced club drugs flashbacks testify that the sensations are very similar to those they used to ...

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Club Drugs

All natural antidepressant, which marked as illegal by the law in most countries, are very popular amongst youth today. The colloquial term used to define a whole group of psychoactive drugs that were available for use at clubs, pubs, dance parties, concerts, for getting a ‘high’ on the dance with loud music playing in the background is called Club Drugs. The rise of this phenomenon was seen during the 1960s and is often interpreted as recreational drugs. Some of the popular ones include Ecstasy, Ketamine, LSD or Acid, GHB, Rohypnol and Methamphetamine. However, had they been used more responsibly, they could have been used to treat most psychological disorders today. Club Drugs Information Most club drugs information on Club Drugs Effects indicates that if mixed with other drugs, it causes an interaction of all thereby altering the effect of each drug present, proving fatal for even a first time user.  So we have lined up a few examples of Club Drugs, Club Drugs Information, and more importantly, the Club Drugs Effects for our readers to understand the implications and act responsibly. Some of the most favourite ones, even today, include: Methamphetamine Methamphetamine is a stimulant related to amphetamine, but the effects on the central nervous system are greater due to its synthetic properties. The drug gives an initial high and more energetic, physical, and mental performance and is used to switch the mood. If injected or taken right after smoking, it causes a ‘flash’ or ‘rush’ that lasts barely a ...

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