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Tag Archives: common extasy side effects

Side Effects of Extasy

Even if you can experience a good trip when under the influence of extasy, there are various side effects associated with extasy use. Some of the immediate effects of extasy make users feel strong heart palpitations and are often nauseated before the full effects kick in. When some users become stimulated, the natural antidepressant effects of extasy make them become panicky and jumpy. Other natural antidepressant effects of extasy may include stiffening of the body extremities such as the arms and legs and it is also common for to also grind their teeth and grit their jaws while under the influence. Sometimes during the coming down from extasy, hallucination is also guaranteed to happen to some. Some of the indirect effects of extasy use can sometimes result to short term memory loss and movements become highly uncoordinated and clumsy. Aside from these effects, one should also be wary of the effects of extasy comedown that usually occur as the result of taking ecstasy begins to worn off. Extasy Use One of the major natural antidepressant effects of extasy use is hallucination which usually happens when a person takes too much extasy. This occurs during the coming down phase. But there are occurrences wherein the resulting hallucination is the result of combining extasy with other substances such as meth, amphetamines, and cannabis. With continued use, some of the side effects of extasy use may result to: •    Confusion •    Blurred vision •    Panic attacks •    Sleep disorder •    Some users develop ...

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