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Tag Archives: comparing crystal meth to mdma

Connection Between Crystal Meth and MDMA

Crystal meth is a horrible horrible drug and it has no relation with ecstasy whatsoever except the fact that both are chemicals. The effects of ecstasy and crystal meth are completely different as crystal meth has the ability to turn a living person to a walking corpse and ecstasy does nothing like that. In fact, crystal meth is so poisonous that in Canada once a house where crystal meth has been found to be made needs to be decontaminated and can be uninhabitable for several months. Ecstasy tablets on the other hand are much safer in comparison, although ecstasy itself is also a banned drug. Crystal meth or ecstasy, none of them are natural antidepressant as none of them are naturally available. MDMA Effects Ecstasy still has some antidepressant effect, but psychotrophic drugs like crystal meth completely destroy the user, turning him or her into a walking corpse, wasting all social existence, and limited to being a tweaker only. The tweaker is a special term associated with crystal meth that shows just how horrible the drug is. Tweaker refers to the feelings of tweaking that the crystal meth user shows under the impression that bugs are crawling under the skin. Now anything that makes you feel like bugs crawling under your skin is bound to be something that is not so good, and that exactly is what happens with crystal meth. On the other hand, the feelings associated with ecstasy involves a feeling of lightness, happiness, coziness and empathy, so ...

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