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Tag Archives: damiana leaf anxiety treatment

Have People Used Damiana Leaf for Anxiety

The damiana plant, which comes from Central and Southern America, has been well-known for hundreds of years as a result of its widespread use as an aphrodisiac by the native peoples of Mexico, including the Mayan Indians, for hundreds of years. Historically the plant has been used to boost sexual potency and taken as a natural antidepressant that can help relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety, nervousness, and mild depression, particularly if these symptoms have a sexual root cause or component. Currently, there is a rich body of damiana leaf information available for those who are suffering from any of these conditions and in search of relief. Damiana Leaf Information The small aromatic shrub, which produces flowers in the summer as well as fruits in the early fall, has a variety of traditional uses. It has been widely used as a food flavoring, and according to damiana leaf information, the leaves have often been used to make teas as well as incense by native people in Central and South America. Damiana leaf side effects are well known for inducing feelings what are signs of male depression of relaxation and for stimulating the libido, and as a result, damiana leaves have sometimes been used as a natural antidepressant and for treating a variety of health problems. When taken in high doses, the damiana leaf can also aid in digestion, and it can also act as a laxative and cause diarrhea. Damiana Leaf Side Effects For people suffering from anxiety, damiana leaf side effects ...

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