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Tag Archives: depression and low seratonin

Is It Proven That Low Seratonin Levels Cause Depression

Seratonin is an essential neurotransmitter in the body and brain, is responsible for regulating sleep, mood and behavior. When the levels of this neurotransmitter falls, a number of behavioral changes occur and the person is affected with conditions such as depression, mood swings, is tyrosine safe, insomnia etc. Seratonin levels decrease due to a number of factors including, sleep deprivation, drug and substance abuse including abuse of natural antidepressant, poor diet and lack of exercise etc. These entire factors contribute in the depletion of seratonin to unhealthy levels. Depression And Seratonin Depression is by far the commonest outcome of low seratonin levels b12 vitamins. According to research and studies, patients suffering from depression and mood disorders were said to suffer from low serotonin levels along with other conditions. When these depleted stores of serotonin were tried to replenish by using prescription drugs and herbal remedies, patients were observed to be relieved of depression and showed great process towards mental stability, i.e. is serotonin ecstasy was used. Therefore, with the help of various prescription drugs such as serotonin ecstasy, it helps overcome serotonin deficiency and hence in overcoming depression and anxiety. According to different conditions, low seratonin levels affect differently. Low seratonin effects include: •    Sleep deprivation and Insomnia: Some sufferers of low serotonin levels experience fatigue even after good rest and in some cases, they suffer from very less sleep, erratic sleeping patter or waking frequently. •    Depression: This is one of the most common effects of low seratonin levels. Depression ...

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