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Tag Archives: depression and sleep

Depression and Sleep

If you have been diagnosed with depression, the chances are more for having sleep problems. The relationship between depression and sleep is somewhat complicated. Depression may cause sleep problems and sleep problems may contribute to depressive disorder. Some people get sleep problems before getting a depression test, while some others get depression symptoms before experiencing sleep problems. Treating sleep problems can help alleviate depression symptoms significantly. How is Sleep and Depression Linked You may wonder how are sleep and depression linked. Lack of sleep can disturb your biologic clock, exacerbating your depression symptoms. Meanwhile, depression can influence your sleeping habits. Insomnia is one of the common effects of depression. Depression can make sleep irregular, which in turn makes the depression symptoms worse. This vicious cycle of depression and sleep problem can affect the quality of your life and health. While understanding the way sleep and depression linked, you need to understand the causes and effects of depression on sleep. If you suffer from depression, you are more likely to experience disturbed sleep patterns and depression therapy is quickly recommended. Not getting enough sleep is the major symptom experienced by many people. Depression and sleep is interlinked in another way also. Depression can make you sleep too much. Difficult falling and/or staying asleep, waking up earlier in the morning, poor quality of sleep, sleeping during the day and waking up with a tired feeling are some of the common causes of depression. Importance of Sleep in Treating Depression Getting sufficient amount ...

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