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Tag Archives: depression differences between man and woman

Signs Of Depression In Women

Depression is an illness that is associated with women more than men. There are a number of studies and other depression information sites that say that the incidence of depression in women is twice that of in men. There are also a few places where you will find seasonal affective disorder saying that the reason there are lesser cases of depression symptoms in men is because in our culture, men are not encouraged to talk about their depression. Thus far fewer cases are recorded than the reality. Depression Symptoms In Women Be that as it may, depression symptoms are different in women than in men. In women, depression manifests itself as a sort of sadness and withdrawal into themselves. Some of the classic depression symptoms that women have is crying for no reason, gaining or losing weight very rapidly, not able to concentrate on even the most mundane of tasks, a reduced sex drive and totally inexplicable pains such as back pain and headaches. Although these depression symptoms should by no means be considered exhaustive, these are the general signs that most women display when they suffer depression. In a number of cases it is not even necessary that depression medication needs to be taken, or even a natural antidepressant be prescribed. In most cases, women talk it out with their friends and thus have a release valve. How Women React To Depression It is also not necessary that all women react the same way to depression, and you may find ...

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