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Tag Archives: diagnosing major depression

How Was Major Depression Discovered

Major depression is not something that has come upon us suddenly. It has been known since antiquity. In fact there are a number of herbs that have been used as natural antidepressants even before it was properly understood mood disorder by modern doctors. Major Depression Information There is a lot of major depression information in ancient literature. Hippocrates himself has described major depression symptoms in his book, Aphorisms. Ancient doctors have been trying to figure out what exactly causes major depression for centuries, and even now we are not completely sure why exactly a person gets major depression symptoms. Major Depression Symptoms The major depression symptoms however have been fairly well documented what causes mood swings and in fact there are even a number of natural antidepressants that have been used to reduce the symptoms. Nowadays however the use of major depression medication is more prevalent, but in ancient times, any herb that brought about a good mood was used. In certain cultures, cannabis, a herb that is banned now, was used for this purpose. The first official description as per most major depression information, of major depression was however by the German psychiatrist Emil Kraeplin around 1902. He described major depression symptoms and described as manic depressive psychosis. At that time the understanding of depression in modern medicine was in its infancy, and most traditional knowledge was not considered. The term depression itself is from a Latin word deprimere which means “to press down” which is almost an accurate ...

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How Is Major Depression Diagnosed

A person is classified as having major depression when he has 5 or more episodes of depression for at least 2 weeks. The major depression symptoms are that the patient starts feeling sad, miserable, is unable to sleep, unable to eat, self hate, guilt, low self esteem etc. In severe cases the patient also suffers from panic attack such as hallucinations and delusions. Armed with all the major depression information one can make out if a person is suffering from depression. Are there any tests to determine major depression Unfortunately, there are no blood tests, laboratory tests or X-rays that can help get major depression information. Even tests like MRI, CT, PET scans can detect the complex brain changes caused by the how long does a panic attack last neurotransmitters. Diagnosis is a painstaking task of observing the patient to have all major depression information before deciding on major depression medication. What are the of major depression symptoms It is almost impossible for a doctor to detect signs of major depression symptoms without the patient telling him. Sadness, depression, helplessness can be due to many things like some personal grief or tragedy. Even post child birth women have been known to suffer from depression. Even natural antidepressants like meditation and exercise do t help. What are the criteria for evaluating depression The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has spelled out the criteria for diagnosis of major depression. The patient must have at least 5 or more major depression symptoms ...

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