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Tag Archives: diagnosing seasonal affective disorder

How is Seasonal Affective Disorder Diagnosed

SAD is a kind of depression which affects individuals during particular seasons only. Most likely it occurs during the fall or winters; however some individuals face SAD symptoms during summers as well. Basically, people staying far away from the equator are more prone of getting affected by SAD. It is mainly the diminishing light or days becoming shorter that let such a disorder happen to a person. SAD symptoms depression treatment natural are so specific but are mostly similar to that of simple depression and therefore despite of plenty of SAD information and SAD medication available, it sometimes become difficult for the doctors to diagnose the same. Determining If You Have SAD The only way to determine SAD, is to analyze the kind of mood swings a person undergoes along with the season or durations of his illness. If for 2 continuous years, a person has been depressed in the winter and recovered in the spring or summer then a doctor can very well establish that he is suffering from SAD. Such dramatic mood swings in response to season change are the easiest way to differentiate SAD from non seasonal depression. In 1985, for the first time, this term was discovered and such a disorder was established. After studying various sources and does an herbal remedy cure depression, it has been revealed out that shorter days of winter and lack of light are the two big causes of seasonal depression, especially for people who resides in extreme northern climates when winter ...

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