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Tag Archives: dissolving club drugs in water

Club Drugs Water Soluble

One of club drugs facts that are not commonly known is that these drugs can be dissolved in water or drinks. This piece of club drugs information is often used to get unaware individuals hooked on drugs, or unconscious in order to take advantage of them. Sexual predators often use a club drug, called GHB, which can be easily mixed with a drink, since it is odorless and tasteless, and, therefore, hard to identify. Other club drugs can also be mixed with water or other drinks, for ease of administration. No matter the way of taking the drug, though, a club drugs comedown will be as tough as any other. Once the high produced by the release of natural antidepressant caused by the drug dissipates into thin air, you will most certainly feel depressed and physically wasted. Dangers Hidden In An Unattended Glass You can protect against sexual predators that can mix your drink with a dangerous drug by always keeping your drink next to you and refusing politely the drinks offered by someone you do not trust. Club drugs information shows that a common drug, also considered to be a popular date rape drug, GHB, is quite easy to mix in a drink, without the person drinking noticing that it is something wrong. The club drugs comedown experienced the next day may be a good indicator, but, usually, this is not the worse consequence. As the person being drugged becomes less and less inhibited, it is easy for the ...

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