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Tag Archives: dl-phenylalanine ecstasy comedown

DL-Phenylalanine Ecstasy Comedown

The cure for Ecstasy comedown basically has to deal with the unpleasant effects that follow Ecstasy or MDMA high. MDMA is a popular club drug. When amalgamated with other harmful substances like cocaine, it is called Ecstasy. The abuse of ecstasy is particularly popular in teenage dance clubs called raves and during the night long parties, adolescents and young people abuse this substance. Typically Ecstasy is taken in as pills. The primary reason for the addictive potential is the immediate emotional changes that follow the ingestion or sniffing of the drug. A sense of euphoria is induced and the user feels at the top of the world. This often results in risky sexual behaviors, rapes, and emergencies. Ecstasy Effects Ecstasy due to the effects in brings in addictive. The substance interferes with the neurotransmitter systems of the brain and induces the sense of pleasure also acting as a natural antidepressant. In the absence of the drug, a comedown is experienced. This phase involves depression and anxiety. It can be treated by substituting the use if Ecstasy with another, less harmful natural antidepressant so that one can survive the comedown without having the urge to go back to Ecstasy to alleviate depression. Let’s see what role DL-Phenylalanine plays here. DL-Phenylalanine Effects DL-Phenylalanine is an amalgamation of two types of amino acids. According to popular DL-Phenylalanine information, it helps alleviate pain, is used widely in the treatment of arthritis and migraine, and also some cognitive disorders like Attention deficits Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ...

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