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Dysthymia Test

Dysthymia is a long term but mild form of depression. The symptoms usually last for at about two years and in some cases even longer than that.  Though it is not a major disorder, Dysthymia can interfere with the person’s ability to perform his day to day tasks and has a lack of mood support. If the person is suffering from dysthymia, they may lose interest in normal routine activities and feel hopeless. They will have low self-esteem and feel inadequate. People diagnosed with dysthymia are often regarded as being critical, complaining constantly and not able to have fun. Dysthymia Test – The First Step In case the doctor suspects dysthymia, then a good dysthymia test can confirm the disorder. dysthymia test can be divided into three parts. They are Physical exam, lab tests and psychological evaluation. The doctor will first check the patient physically and ask lot of questions about health in order to understand the root cause of dysthymia. Lab tests are also done where the blood sample is collected from the patient and the Vitamin D and folate levels are understood. This test will help to know if the thyroid gland is functioning well. As a part of psychological evaluation, the doctor tries to read what is there in the patient’s mind and if there are any major worries or anxieties that is troubling him/her. Can Dysthymia Online Test Be Effective Today we are all short of time.  Paying a personal visit to the doctor may not ...

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